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A letter to the fam
JB Fam! What a blessing it is for us all to be here. 6 years later and we're all still here rockin like we never left.
It's something only an artist in the purest sense of the word can create, a truly genuine fan base that is moved so deeply by the artistry.
Jon has freed himself from the chains that actually had the nerve to think they could hold our boy down!! No more.
Anyways I'm just fired up that the king, the legend, is back writing music for himself. And in turn for us. Because the people that are still here feel it on a level that resonates in a way so few other artists music can create.
We've all been praying for this moment for so long and deserve to celebrate it with each other, so cheers to Jon getting his introverted ass out of the basement and sharing his gift with the world again.
We love you.
From NY to the world with so much love,
Josh -
So true man, only a pure artist could keep a fanbase here for this long, we see what we see in him and were here to support him through it all!! love the king the legend reference loool Cautionary Tales will prob always be my fav Jon song... I mean until the next album drops of course... lool 6 years long enough, but lets be real, wed wait another 6
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby