@Amariez10585 ty
- Made this magazine cover and iRobot lyric artwork in High School with Adobe InDesign for my assignment.
- Jon was the soundtrack to my high school life, so this is an homage to that period of time and Jon himself.
- I've had this in my drive for so long, happy to finally share it with you all.
- Made in 2020.
P.S. If you're reading this Jon, thank you for bringing more "fire, passion, and desire" into my life and making it more exciting. I'm so inspired by you and your work. I'm so ready for this new evolution you got going.
@miyamiya2.0 this is so insanely cool!!!!
Although I guess if I knew tomorrow
I guess I wouldn't need faith
I guess if I never fell, I guess I wouldn't need grace
I guess if I knew His plans, I guess He wouldn't be God, God, God -
Hey this is sick!!! Crazy talent
beautiful mind
How sickkk!!
JellyBean from space
Hey this is sick!!! Crazy talent
How sickkk!!
- Made this magazine cover and iRobot lyric artwork in High School with Adobe InDesign for my assignment.
- Jon was the soundtrack to my high school life, so this is an homage to that period of time and Jon himself.
- I've had this in my drive for so long, happy to finally share it with you all.
- Made in 2020.
P.S. If you're reading this Jon, thank you for bringing more "fire, passion, and desire" into my life and making it more exciting. I'm so inspired by you and your work. I'm so ready for this new evolution you got going.
@miyamiya2.0 you're so talented. The lyrics and the magazine cover are EPIC <33
@miyamiya2.0 you're so talented. The lyrics and the magazine cover are EPIC <33