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religious, spiritual, or just vibing?
I'm personally reform Jewish (G-d is more of a vague concept of the highest good than a big man in the sky to me), but I love when people write about what's important to them. Jon writes from his heart, so of course his most closely held beliefs are going to make it into his music. And I find that beautiful.
"I know the demons in the room is gonna say it's more that I can chew, BUT NOW ALL I HEAR IS THE DINNER BELL."
wondering how many JB folks are feeling the lyrics with that religious backing or how many are just vibing and not really religious/that doesn’t stick out to you in the lyrics?
i found Jon before i found Jesus, and now i have both i’m just thrilled to have some actually cool music that i feel like backs my beliefs. i just love how he keeps it real while speaking Truth. thoughts?@inthehandofGod Theres no escaping it, this next album is going to glorify God 10x more than anything else has, I mean you hear his lyrics from Kid Again, or his cover of Meant to Live, or his Raindance and Worship joints off Batistes album, or Young Gun with Tori Kelly. I mean the dude aint hiding nothing, this is the God of Israel, the father of Jesus Christ, the ONE true God pouring talent into Jon. Hes working in beautiful ways int he music industry right now bringing so many amazing people together, shouts to Forrest Frank too lool
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
I’m Eastern Orthodox but found Jon when I was still a Protestant. 10/10 find Jon’s perspective absolutely refreshing. He’s to the point, uses quite a bit of figurative language and it makes sense! Some songs writers it’s kinda like: “what was the point you were driving at?”
But Jon just naturally nails it. It’s a core part of him and it really shows amazingly in his song writing and his music. Beliefs or not, I think Jon writes on some pretty relatable topics and it’s easy to jive with. -
@inthehandofGod Theres no escaping it, this next album is going to glorify God 10x more than anything else has, I mean you hear his lyrics from Kid Again, or his cover of Meant to Live, or his Raindance and Worship joints off Batistes album, or Young Gun with Tori Kelly. I mean the dude aint hiding nothing, this is the God of Israel, the father of Jesus Christ, the ONE true God pouring talent into Jon. Hes working in beautiful ways int he music industry right now bringing so many amazing people together, shouts to Forrest Frank too lool
@Zeonder this response is on point
@inthehandofGod Theres no escaping it, this next album is going to glorify God 10x more than anything else has, I mean you hear his lyrics from Kid Again, or his cover of Meant to Live, or his Raindance and Worship joints off Batistes album, or Young Gun with Tori Kelly. I mean the dude aint hiding nothing, this is the God of Israel, the father of Jesus Christ, the ONE true God pouring talent into Jon. Hes working in beautiful ways int he music industry right now bringing so many amazing people together, shouts to Forrest Frank too lool
@Zeonder i so so agree, i just always wonder if it’s my brain that picks up those lyrics because i have my beliefs or if others are on that page with me lol. love to see how God is working through this community 🫶 big props to forrest frank as well, i’m loving how many artists are bringing God onto the charts
I’m Eastern Orthodox but found Jon when I was still a Protestant. 10/10 find Jon’s perspective absolutely refreshing. He’s to the point, uses quite a bit of figurative language and it makes sense! Some songs writers it’s kinda like: “what was the point you were driving at?”
But Jon just naturally nails it. It’s a core part of him and it really shows amazingly in his song writing and his music. Beliefs or not, I think Jon writes on some pretty relatable topics and it’s easy to jive with.@TexasBellionaire agree!! love that he is God focused, clear, and makes amazing beats. it’s so hard to find all of those in one artist
I was raised in a Christian home and I’ve always believed in God, but somehow that belief faded into the background in recent years. Until last summer, that is. I spent a week in Taizé, France and it totally reawakened my faith. This, in turn, helped me through some stuff I was dealing with at the time.
Long story short, the lyrics of Kid Again are wildly relatable to me:
I’m free when I’m underneath Your light
Jaded and then You opened my eyesI feel the Yah back in control
I feel the Yah back in my soulGuillotine
wondering how many JB folks are feeling the lyrics with that religious backing or how many are just vibing and not really religious/that doesn’t stick out to you in the lyrics?
i found Jon before i found Jesus, and now i have both i’m just thrilled to have some actually cool music that i feel like backs my beliefs. i just love how he keeps it real while speaking Truth. thoughts?@inthehandofGod speaking of Christian music that is actually cool, do you know half•alive? Their lyrics are a little more ambiguous, but some of their songs have an obvious Christian meaning. If you like Jon’s music I bet you’ll like them too!
@inthehandofGod speaking of Christian music that is actually cool, do you know half•alive? Their lyrics are a little more ambiguous, but some of their songs have an obvious Christian meaning. If you like Jon’s music I bet you’ll like them too!
@Iskemik i haven’t listened to them but i appreciate the suggestion!! i’ll have to give them a listen while waiting for the new bellion album
wondering how many JB folks are feeling the lyrics with that religious backing or how many are just vibing and not really religious/that doesn’t stick out to you in the lyrics?
i found Jon before i found Jesus, and now i have both i’m just thrilled to have some actually cool music that i feel like backs my beliefs. i just love how he keeps it real while speaking Truth. thoughts?@inthehandofGod Same I was religious then went my own way and found my way back. Listening to Jon's music before and after has changed completely, really feels like a more surreal and deeper experience than before.