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Dream Setlist?
When Jon goes back on tour, or does another concert of sorts, what songs do you hope he will play?
I want to hear some underrated songs, though the likelihood of this is probably never going to happen haha.
I desperately neeeed to hear CWMW live again, the last time was a heavenly experience for me
I would love to hear Crop Circles or I Feel It live since they didn't get their chance to shine
Eyes to the skyyyyy
I would really love to hear one of his older songs as an ohmage to how far he's come and give a little something to the older fans
Perhaps Young Gun with Tori Kelly or False Alarms with Lawrenceadipadipadip
This would be like a JB Eras tour haha
The island is long but life is short in this town
This would be like a JB Eras tour haha
@catkeleghan heck yea! I’m all for it
I never got to hear CWMW live, but i need to. Those videos ive seen on youtube were too good.
one. in. a. billion. i would love some older songs. This mega show for real should be a jon bellion eras tour. im here for it
beautiful mind
This would be like a JB Eras tour haha
@catkeleghan he has got to do something like that. i would go for 6 hours just to see all of his songs lmao
beautiful mind
When Jon goes back on tour, or does another concert of sorts, what songs do you hope he will play?
I want to hear some underrated songs, though the likelihood of this is probably never going to happen haha.
I desperately neeeed to hear CWMW live again, the last time was a heavenly experience for me
I would love to hear Crop Circles or I Feel It live since they didn't get their chance to shine
Eyes to the skyyyyy
I would really love to hear one of his older songs as an ohmage to how far he's come and give a little something to the older fans
Perhaps Young Gun with Tori Kelly or False Alarms with Lawrence@Queenmikaykay remember when I got into Jon I wanted Woodstock live SOOOO BAD, was my fav song, new one is cautionary tales but Ive seen that on GSP so might honestly still be woodstock, maybe Kid Again or Crop Circles, or even a unreleased joint like tangled webs. Final virdict, Kid Again, but Id geek out the most if he started playing Tangled Webs...
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
When Jon goes back on tour, or does another concert of sorts, what songs do you hope he will play?
I want to hear some underrated songs, though the likelihood of this is probably never going to happen haha.
I desperately neeeed to hear CWMW live again, the last time was a heavenly experience for me
I would love to hear Crop Circles or I Feel It live since they didn't get their chance to shine
Eyes to the skyyyyy
I would really love to hear one of his older songs as an ohmage to how far he's come and give a little something to the older fans
Perhaps Young Gun with Tori Kelly or False Alarms with Lawrence@Queenmikaykay I always wondered how Mah's Joint would sound live since pretty much all the live versions are different from the original ones, I think the experience would be heavenly
beautiful mind, you already know
still trying to find out what happened to Looking For A Place To Land and Michigan Sky (also trying to convince Jon to leak Break These Walls) -
@Queenmikaykay I always wondered how Mah's Joint would sound live since pretty much all the live versions are different from the original ones, I think the experience would be heavenly
@enzomayworm AGREED. I can understand if he didn’t want to play it, but that outro would be something else live