Hi guys sorry if you’ve seen this but reposting due to the shiny new forum. I done this a while ago as part of my GCSEs and thought this would be the best chance for Jon to see it.
I will be attempting a new drawing in the next couple of days depicting the beautiful mind logo, fighting off something but I’m not sure what yet and any ideas would help greatly. Thinking similar to the lady justice with a sword and scales. Wealth weighing less than happiness as that’s one of Jon’s big messages and any ideas for the sword would help greatly, maybe the sword from he is the same with light beaming out? Idk ahahah I’m just writing whatever comes to mind. Enjoy!!!!
Omggggg looking gooodd
JellyBean from space
That’s insanely good!!! Wow!!!
beautiful mind
This is so sick man, always a sucker for raw pencil drawings, man you did so good in the shading and “indents” lol idk what you’d call em but his neck and the shirt folds. So beautiful man ty for sharing, would love to see more fr fr
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
@Lyndont99 ayeee anytime, glad to see you could get it working. again such a amazing piece
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
Just... 20 upvotes to you. Wow
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
Sheeeeeesh this is absolutely amazing! Keep up the killer work and we can’t wait to see what you come up with next! Take your time and hope you feel better!
The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return <3