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Whats the best planet
What planet you reppin?? Personally a huge fan of Jupiter bigger is better
@Isaac uranus is great however I'm skeptical about its ability to compete with the big boys
What planet you reppin?? Personally a huge fan of Jupiter bigger is better
@TheMcConchie it’s not about the size, but how it’s used. I personally like mercury, not for any particular reason.
@Isaac uranus is great however I'm skeptical about its ability to compete with the big boys
@TheMcConchie but Uranus is a gas giant…
What’s an Italian pharaoh… born from a stallion’s marrow…
@TheMcConchie but Uranus is a gas giant…
@Isaac see it is a gas giant but look at how big it actually is compared to Jupiter
i like saturn cause she got hella rings
beautiful mind
What planet you reppin?? Personally a huge fan of Jupiter bigger is better
@TheMcConchie Earth, hella leaf(ers) on there
@TheMcConchie Earth, hella leaf(ers) on there
@LIFE nah real talk pluto, they did my boy wrong. I served with that guy back in nam, great dude.
@TheMcConchie Earth, hella leaf(ers) on there
@LIFE ayooo what up bro
Earth mad underrated lowkey
@LIFE man they really did my guy pluto dirty. we should protest
@GabbyW0205 nahhh pluto is a whole other topic we needa sit down and talk serious about this
@GabbyW0205 nahhh pluto is a whole other topic we needa sit down and talk serious about this
i like saturn cause she got hella rings
@GabbyW0205 love Saturn. Close runner up for me but those rings dont compare to the great red spot
I saw the thread title... and was really hoping this was what I'd find. Pleasantly happy.
Saturn for me. It has rings. And reminds me of Skyring, from The 100.
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
Saturn. Only planet with noticable accessories.
Keep one foot in the future and the other in your living room
Saturn. Only planet with noticable accessories.