I have been a fan since I was about 13/14 in middle school. i found your music from a outro i think it was old old faze clans. i’ve been a fan ever since. i saw you live at the Loft in Atlanta for the human condition. then in the Coca Cola roxy for part 2. i had tickets for GSP but we ended up being out of state i was so sad. i’ve carried your music with me my whole life now i show everyone i meet your songs. my first ever tattoo at 18 was Beautiful Mind in the same font. i’m now 23 having my first son and man i CANT WAIT for this. he will know all your music and songs man. i hope you see this and i hope you know how much you helped me throughout the years. when i was down i always just played one of your songs. your lyricism and authenticity is something you don’t find anymore nowadays. so i am so ready for a JB come back.
Here’s a pic from the Coca Cola Roxy back in 2017!!!!
beautiful mind