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When is your birthday? I’m a Libra
June 25th and im a cancer
"this is a official apology from beautiful mind, we're sorry, if we're going ohveryorhed..."
Sep 26 so a libra too!!! Never really loved horoscopes, saw Jon mentioning them recently but I almost wonder if they’re something we’re supposed to understand if that makes any sense lol
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
June 25th and im a cancer
aug 18, leooo
@lycheeSpritz oh cool my brother is a Leo
June 25th and im a cancer
@kozmikblooz That’s cool
"this is a official apology from beautiful mind, we're sorry, if we're going ohveryorhed..."
November 11
Although I guess if I knew tomorrow
I guess I wouldn't need faith
I guess if I never fell, I guess I wouldn't need grace
I guess if I knew His plans, I guess He wouldn't be God, God, God -
April 10th aries sun
rising virgo
️and cancer moon
JellyBean from space
March 16, and I’m a Pisces 🫡 but when I did my full horoscope, I found out I’m a Pisces Sun, Capricorn Moon, Aquarius Venus, and a Taurus North (what that all means, I have 0 idea
In my beautiful mind, is a recipe, check your set degrees before you check for me, freezing cold electively
Electrically fire on the ground as i rest in peace
The Memory of Testing the limits of what your Yes can B
-Gambit tha Aternal -
March 16, and I’m a Pisces 🫡 but when I did my full horoscope, I found out I’m a Pisces Sun, Capricorn Moon, Aquarius Venus, and a Taurus North (what that all means, I have 0 idea
@HandOFGod777 lol I don’t know what mine is all I know is I’m a Libra born on October 5th that’s it.