Personally...I was at work. In an office that I shared with my 3 bosses.
It took me all of 10-15 seconds to realize that 1) the interview was over 2 hours and 2) that he was talking about EVERYTHING including a new album in it.
When I say I started crying immediately....
The island is long but life is short in this town
Girll i was out of the country on vacation
I'm like of all times nowwww
I was not ready, that's for sure...
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
Girll i was out of the country on vacation
I'm like of all times nowwww
I was not ready, that's for sure...
@OverwhelmMe lol 6 years yet somehow we weren’t ready for what hit us
The island is long but life is short in this town
@OverwhelmMe lol 6 years yet somehow we weren’t ready for what hit us
@catkeleghan I remember seeing it pop up while I was busy at work (I didn't see it the day it came out) and had to double take, take a deep breath, and was like unsure what was happening. But I had to wait until later to watch it and the wait was agonizing... like, it was 2 hours long- I was like, is this a whole set of music? Is it an announcement? Jon operates so differently, and for the past decade or more, we all are just finding easter eggs, unreleased songs, soundcloud links, etc. This could have very well been a concert and I had no idea what to think lol
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP