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Making music - how to begin?
Hi Jon
I've always loved music, especially your music for a looong time. Sometimes like at cove city you make making it look so easy and natural, even though changing and creating melodies on the spot can't be easy. Then at the BTS videos we really get to see the thought process and work poured into each of your creations, which is truly amazing and inspiring. You turn emotions and memories into sound, a special and beautiful one too, and I wish I could do it too.
All I ever did was sing, although not with professional training. I don't play any instruments. And still a dream of mine is making music. What can do to make it come true? What should I learn?
Really hope you'll read itthough suggestions from other talented community members are appreciated too!
It depends where you wanna go, find what you love first and foremost, if you love vocals then hone in on singing, if you love writing or playing drums hone in on those. If you love to bring a whole vision of a song to life though I would recommend making connections with the people who did the latter as those are the people who bring your visions together as you’ve seen with Jon. But if you really wanted to do it all and be a lone wolf which many people do greatly, I would download a DAW(FL Studio, Ableton or GarageBand) and just have fun learning it. There so so so many resources out there, but I highly recommend not going into it ready to bring a vision to life completely. You gotta learn how to use it before you can use it to bring life to the vision. So just have fun adding your voice in and messing with it, or throwing certain filters on in certain ways. Just find sounds you like and then play with them, you can of course try to make a whole song eventually but don’t be hard on yourself when it sounds so lackluster to what you have in your head, be patient. A beautiful mind takes love, which involves a lot of attributes patience is only one.
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
thank you, love the beautiful mind reference
i get what you're saying but what if i love everything and want to try everything?
i am quite curious about songwriting and producing. downloading a software sounds like a good way to start expreimenting with that. i wonder if picking up an instrument/learning more about music theory is a better place to start since it seems to me kinda like "basic" knowledge i should have before i take on that though.
i believe (kind of like what you said about being patient) if i have something to say i need to explore the musical tools i have so that i can express it better.
@User12261990 i would really love your take on this -
thank you, love the beautiful mind reference
i get what you're saying but what if i love everything and want to try everything?
i am quite curious about songwriting and producing. downloading a software sounds like a good way to start expreimenting with that. i wonder if picking up an instrument/learning more about music theory is a better place to start since it seems to me kinda like "basic" knowledge i should have before i take on that though.
i believe (kind of like what you said about being patient) if i have something to say i need to explore the musical tools i have so that i can express it better.
@User12261990 i would really love your take on this@amitso well yes and no, if you want to do everything then sure but that’ll be a crazy life, idk anybody who can play guitar, drums, sing, write, piano, bass, produce+ so so much more. You have to focus on one thing first and it should be whatever you love. I’m not saying in this next bit not to learn music theory so many great people have and the very deep producers right now like Jon Batiste and Jacob Collier def have a good understanding on that and it’d be hard to work in a studio with people like that without understanding that. But ultimately there’s so many people who never learned music theory who excelled in it, they just have visions and wanted to bring them to life. Jon didn’t even know how to write or read music sheets, he used a converter for his all time low tattoo, he nor Kanye nor so so so many great producers did anything but try to bring a vision to life. I would just start man, stop planning how you’re gonna start, gotta fall to figure out how to walk.
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby