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@Zeonder love to see MF DOOM here!! whats your favorite album?
𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒇 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒊 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒎𝒆
@Zeonder love to see MF DOOM here!! whats your favorite album?
@martin_def broooo trust me, go play czar face vs metal face, SUCH A SLEPT ON ALBUM, I always get looked at craft when I say it but it seriously is the best album by him imo. Yes I’ve heard all the great mmm food to madvillainy joints, but that album is so fun
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
@martin_def broooo trust me, go play czar face vs metal face, SUCH A SLEPT ON ALBUM, I always get looked at craft when I say it but it seriously is the best album by him imo. Yes I’ve heard all the great mmm food to madvillainy joints, but that album is so fun
@Zeonder dope! I have heard some of the Czarface joints, love the tracks with Tom Har.. i mean Frankie Pulitzer
will definitely check out the czarface metalface album
𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒇 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒊 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒎𝒆
I just started with Jon and then went out into the rest of the beautiful mind family. Jon is obviously number one but I have Lawrence at a close second. The fact that Jon helps them out is just a bonus for me.
Like Alfred Hitchcock with the camera
Just blazin' Killer Cam with a sample
Both hands on the candle can't handle it -
Obviously we all have good taste in music - and through some other posts here I've been turned on to EDEN.
So who else are y'all listening to? Doesn't necessarily have to be similar to JB.
If you haven't, give Tash Sultana a listen
and give me your reccomendations! I need new tunes.
@jmckinney4123 so so so hard yes on EDEN. One of my besties at uni put me onto Jon (Ng not Bellion hehe) and I rlly haven't looked back. Getting to see the show he put on for ICYMI tour was UNBELIEVABLE. Crazy that I got to take it all in twice, lol. Albert Hall Manchester + KOKO London went so crazy!!
How do u reckon the new stuff compares to the older work?
all my love, in spite of it all
-JC"I wonder why I can't run that fast in my dreams"
So many to mention! but these are some of my favorites that best describe my vibe:
- Passion Pit
- Porter Robinson
- Francis and the Lights
- Bleachers
- Twenty One Pilots
and of course Jon Bellion
@jmckinney4123 so so so hard yes on EDEN. One of my besties at uni put me onto Jon (Ng not Bellion hehe) and I rlly haven't looked back. Getting to see the show he put on for ICYMI tour was UNBELIEVABLE. Crazy that I got to take it all in twice, lol. Albert Hall Manchester + KOKO London went so crazy!!
How do u reckon the new stuff compares to the older work?
@jclaydon ICYMI tour was nuts. managed to get front row, and went with 4 of my highschool friends who I became friends with because somehow we all knew him.
@LIFE I tell u that man knows how to put on a show. the totoro gif? the CUSTOM RACING SUIT?! ugh I fear I will never get back to the feeling of him playing 'sex' or 'end credits' for the first time again
all my love, in spite of it all
-JC"I wonder why I can't run that fast in my dreams"
@tinfoil I love Porter sm! I'm gassed to see him in March. And idk about you but that clip of I Wanna Get Better live at Red Rocks is on repeat rn
@jclaydon nice! enjoy the show! i had tickets to his Chicago show but it was cancelled. i hope to catch him live eventually.
and I’ll have to look up that video. i’ve been digging the Rollercoaster performance from Red Rocks on Spotify
@jclaydon nice! enjoy the show! i had tickets to his Chicago show but it was cancelled. i hope to catch him live eventually.
and I’ll have to look up that video. i’ve been digging the Rollercoaster performance from Red Rocks on Spotify
@tinfoil too sweet of you, thanks! so bummed u missed out, know how you feel
can find the clip here: https://youtu.be/LvwZVMk2v6o?feature=shared
all my love, in spite of it all
-JC"I wonder why I can't run that fast in my dreams"
Obviously we all have good taste in music - and through some other posts here I've been turned on to EDEN.
So who else are y'all listening to? Doesn't necessarily have to be similar to JB.
If you haven't, give Tash Sultana a listen
and give me your reccomendations! I need new tunes.
@jmckinney4123 EDEN is my favourite artist of all time, point blank, period. I have a hard time having like top 10 artists because I stretch myself out very thin musically. but in terms of right now I'm a big brakence fan, jim croce, bladee, frank ocean, bon iver fan aswell. found a chick called oklou this january off a collab she did with bladee, she's sick. recommend her new debut album
@LIFE I tell u that man knows how to put on a show. the totoro gif? the CUSTOM RACING SUIT?! ugh I fear I will never get back to the feeling of him playing 'sex' or 'end credits' for the first time again
@jclaydon not sure if you're familiar, but for the show he did in auckland new zealand, he had a guy opening called lontalius who i've also been following for time. caught him outside the venue before he came in and after he performed he gave me his setlist. was so gassed.
I was so hyped to hear locked get played
@jclaydon not sure if you're familiar, but for the show he did in auckland new zealand, he had a guy opening called lontalius who i've also been following for time. caught him outside the venue before he came in and after he performed he gave me his setlist. was so gassed.
I was so hyped to hear locked get played
@LIFE !!!! that's so sick, idk if you'd know ATO but I got to meet him outside the London gig. we chatted for a few minutes and he's lovely hehe. but yes yes I have heard of Lontalius, dope sound!
For my shows we had Chartreuse as openers, and they are just so phenomenal. Morning Ritual is a fantastic album that deserves so much more love! even just listening to a track like All Seeing All the Time gives you a great sample of their vibe
all my love, in spite of it all
-JC"I wonder why I can't run that fast in my dreams"
@LIFE !!!! that's so sick, idk if you'd know ATO but I got to meet him outside the London gig. we chatted for a few minutes and he's lovely hehe. but yes yes I have heard of Lontalius, dope sound!
For my shows we had Chartreuse as openers, and they are just so phenomenal. Morning Ritual is a fantastic album that deserves so much more love! even just listening to a track like All Seeing All the Time gives you a great sample of their vibe
@jclaydon holy shit alex mentioned in a jon bellion forum I must be dreaming, of course I know ATO bro. the MCMXCV dream team. thats dope
I am not going to lie, JB is always topping my charts. To the point where it doesn't seem like I am playing anybody else haha. Right now I'm into Russian Hyperpop or Russian hardbass, which is nothing like JB or even that style... Still go back to Jon every night on my drive home though
@Stang8 those russians got that hyperpop shit down, used to be a fiend when hyperpop was in peak https://open.spotify.com/track/2T1PB31ktYl0qRt2AaNmDY?si=bced5b79559048f0
@jclaydon ICYMI tour was nuts. managed to get front row, and went with 4 of my highschool friends who I became friends with because somehow we all knew him.