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Jon’s bringing back the folk
I have very very in depth thoughts about folk music, but I wanted to try to condense and share some here to see others thoughts on it.
Essentially summed up simply, I just find folk music to be such a lose genre rn and can’t come up with a better definition than its “the music of the people”. If you go on Spotify or whatever your music means be, and bump some folk music, it’s a very specific niche genre right now. But here’s the thing, folk music had a distinct sound during the Bob Dylan era revival of it, folk music in Ireland has a distinct sound, I mean even what we would call the “folk music” of different tribes all over have such distinct sounds.
All this to say, I think folk music is the sound that represents the people, that the people themselves subscribe to and accept as a voice of theirs. And I think Jon is about to roll out that next sound, well Jon and a whole fleet of artists including the obvious Tori Kelly and Forrest Frank peeps. But what Id love to see is great artists like Ed Sheeran and with Gods strength maybe even Kanye in this fleet
(I know he’s actingugly rn but pray for him, might be hard to ask but it’s the heart we’re called to have)
bringing a revival to music and this next sound simply being the sound of the people(folk), that will have Bob Dylan esque sharp but light shining lyrics.
I just really think music is about to change A LOT, that the people are going to wake up to a certain “life” in their music that they just haven’t had in a while. It’s gonna be refreshing but also gonna draw a deep line in the sand between music with life and music… well… without itBoy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
I cant upvote, so just wanted to say upvote
Minus Kanye... I just can't. I'll pray for him... and leave it at that.
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
I cant upvote, so just wanted to say upvote
Minus Kanye... I just can't. I'll pray for him... and leave it at that.
@OverwhelmMe that’s all we can do, pray for him. Listen I can’t and never would dream of defending any of his actions, but might I throw out not as a defense but just to shed light on something I think is getting swept under the rug. Not only has this man always had mental issues like Bi Polar disorder, then he loses his family(which who knows could be his fault), but the point is now after all that he’s being manipulated and drugged. This isn’t conspiratorial, look it up, his dentist has had him addicted to NOS(INTENSE whippets), for over a year now. I think the dude legit doesn’t have full brain function, AS SOON as people around him started calling this out 6 months ago or so he suddenly went on a trip to Asia, we’re talking multiple entire tanks of NOS per day… nothing he does is excusable, but he is not Kanye right now, he is a limb to something much eviler, a bunch of vultures. I don’t think his album names are a coincidence. In the end, yes just pray, all we can do, but man I’ll be damn sad to see Kanye go out the way he’s been acting.
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
I cant upvote, so just wanted to say upvote
Minus Kanye... I just can't. I'll pray for him... and leave it at that.
@OverwhelmMe + yess we need more upvotes loool, been tryna support any post calling it out, Jon did already acknowledge it though.
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
@OverwhelmMe that’s all we can do, pray for him. Listen I can’t and never would dream of defending any of his actions, but might I throw out not as a defense but just to shed light on something I think is getting swept under the rug. Not only has this man always had mental issues like Bi Polar disorder, then he loses his family(which who knows could be his fault), but the point is now after all that he’s being manipulated and drugged. This isn’t conspiratorial, look it up, his dentist has had him addicted to NOS(INTENSE whippets), for over a year now. I think the dude legit doesn’t have full brain function, AS SOON as people around him started calling this out 6 months ago or so he suddenly went on a trip to Asia, we’re talking multiple entire tanks of NOS per day… nothing he does is excusable, but he is not Kanye right now, he is a limb to something much eviler, a bunch of vultures. I don’t think his album names are a coincidence. In the end, yes just pray, all we can do, but man I’ll be damn sad to see Kanye go out the way he’s been acting.
@Zeonder OH I fully agree, it is pretty devastating.
I never really "liked" him but I respected his music. His gospel album is beautiful, but I'm so skeptical about his intent.
He's a victim to what has been done to him and sadly its overshadowed his talent. Old Kanye... I can get behind. I just struggle separating music from artist as of the past decade.
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
@OverwhelmMe + yess we need more upvotes loool, been tryna support any post calling it out, Jon did already acknowledge it though.
@Zeonder lol I saw that he said his team is on it. I spent all yesterday just upvoting bc it was the vibe and now I'm here waiting for another.... 5 hours maybe? lol
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
@Zeonder lol I saw that he said his team is on it. I spent all yesterday just upvoting bc it was the vibe and now I'm here waiting for another.... 5 hours maybe? lol
@OverwhelmMe completely understand that take, I definitely have a bias myself feeling partially raised on college dropout, so many songs were so powerful in my life, and yeah the fact that it tracks the hours not a date reset is ughhhh lol, can also only upvote 6 comments by a user a day, tried to upvote 7 of Jon’s comments in a day
weird limitations
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby