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- loving the site design, so nostalgic
loving the site design, so nostalgic
not sure if this is the correct section for this post, but
everywhere is the correct section haha. it really is tho, ive never been one to be on forums but been on this one a lot
beautiful mind
everywhere is the correct section haha. it really is tho, ive never been one to be on forums but been on this one a lot
@GabbyW0205 Aside from browsing reddit this is my first time on a forum! idk how often ill be able to check in, ill probably mostly keep up through jbn on twitter like i usually do lol. But i love the option and opportunity i think its such a great idea.
yessss dude, I see some people complaining about little things here or there but man the nostalgic feel it so worth it, its how the internet used to be either you knew how to use a site or you didnt, aint no shame to those who dont just take a little poking around to figure it out and once you do its your own cozy little corner of the interwebs
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby