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- Dear Jon,
Dear Jon,
I want to say a huge thanks for the dedication you have shown to your craft in creating authentic music true to the human experience.
Your music helped me process my journey from angsty teenage years to young adulthood.
I tried running away from who I was before learning that who I wanted to be was actually me...this enabled me to embrace my relationships in a transformative, life-giving fashion.
Much has changed since the last album. The problems I faced then turned out to be quite small; nevertheless, your music has been a haven for me to engage with the emotions produced by life's most difficult challenges.
The GSP show I went to had an empty place by my side in wake of my best friend dying tragically in a car accident. Conversely, the lyrics to my favorite track, To My Future Wife..., that I long cherished are no longer a hypothetical and have become a reality...what a blessing.
Here is to another album and a continued commitment to grapple with the human conditions in all its complexity.
Love the shouts to authenticity, nothing has changed he is the sammeeeee lool, fr though hes helped so much of us its so amazing to see it, also love stupid reference, that song is so beautifully profound. His music always there for the phase of our lives that we in amazingly and I got a feeling this next one about to be just the same, right in time and what we need to hear
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby