I was SO LUCKY enough to win a meet and greet and interview with you @User12261990 in 2016 backstage at your Terminal 5 show with Z100. And by lucky I also mean crazy bc I entered so many times and had my friends enter so many times that 3 other friends also won meet and greets with our entries
Anyways my interview was so bad. I was a nervous 18 year old in the presence of my favorite artist and hadn’t learned anything about journalism yet lol. But one question I did ask that I’m so glad I did, was that if you had the plot of a Pixar movie (plus scoring it) up to you, what would it be?
You said it would be about an artist creating work and whenever they had a breakthrough or creative moment they would think it was them but ACTUALLY it was “the genius” coming to visit them. BRILLIANT idea and so Pixar/Disney coded I’m shocked they haven’t done something like that already. 9 years later I’m still hoping they hit you up for the scoring of a movie with this plot/theme. It would be a massive success!
Also thank you for being such a champ during that interview! I asked you if you liked Starbucks or dunkin better and if you liked the 495 or sunrise highway better…OY. I can’t watch my own interview to this day I cringe so hard. But you were the kindest soul the entire time!
The island is long but life is short in this town
It's totally fine to be cringe and nervous!! Just be glad and let it fill you with JOY that you made that happen
. Also I was surprised pixar tackled some of the themes and specifically synesthesia in "Soul", Jon Batiste did so good. I hope Jonathan gets his shot too
🇨🇴 Viva Colombia carajooo 🇨🇴