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- "The Good In Me" Being in the time signature of 3/4
"The Good In Me" Being in the time signature of 3/4
Anyone else notice the time signature of "The Good In Me" being 3/4?
I feel it flows really nicely.Was wondering if there are other JB songs that are also in a different time signature that I may not have noticed.
I'm a drummer
I do not remember where I read this, but supposedly the 1 2 3 1 2 3 at the beginning was for this exact reason
ive always heard weight of the world as being in some kind of mixed meter in the chorus? like 3/4 + 5/4?
@benjammin I just listened to it and wow you're right, the chorus is a pattern of 3/4 then 5/4! That's super interesting and cool
ive always heard weight of the world as being in some kind of mixed meter in the chorus? like 3/4 + 5/4?
@benjammin just listened to it, and I do hear that pattern
would have never caught that LOLI'm a drummer