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Favorite BAR
"I spoke with Yahweh, he told me Jesus crafted us in
Which means my brother's my brother, it don't matter the skin"Let's Begin is so fire, the bars go crazy on that song
@Isaac I was just going to add the last part of that!! “America needs to watch how they treat His chosen people. But that’s for deeper than surface records, now let’s begin” oyyyyy
The island is long but life is short in this town
Off young gun but
“My soul began to break
From underneath the weight
Of tryna keep the pace
But that road went on and on
I could've tried to run
But to stay forever young
Is a war that's never won
And time is just way too strong”
Will always cut so deepBoy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
@catkeleghan HAITIANS get LASIK, meaning you DREAD what comes from my THIRD EYE, BLIND to the fake shit.
@Isaac I was just going to add the last part of that!! “America needs to watch how they treat His chosen people. But that’s for deeper than surface records, now let’s begin” oyyyyy
@catkeleghan Jon knew what he was doing. GSP is so lyrically deep, not just a bland “surface” record.” Probably another underrated bar “I’m done pretending your records great and I’m down to work.” Bro was NOT playing around
What’s an Italian pharaoh… born from a stallion’s marrow…
@catkeleghan Jon knew what he was doing. GSP is so lyrically deep, not just a bland “surface” record.” Probably another underrated bar “I’m done pretending your records great and I’m down to work.” Bro was NOT playing around
@Isaac literally this man doesn’t hold back and that’s one of the many many many things I love about him
The island is long but life is short in this town
I’m not talking lyric. Favorite Jon bar. Man has literally so many. GO!
@catkeleghan “youre the reason im alone and masturbate” goes pretty hard idk
@catkeleghan “youre the reason im alone and masturbate” goes pretty hard idk
@LIFE I just recently watched LayedBakDFR!! He has a bunch of Jon reactions that are so priceless!
@catkeleghan a couple LayedBak reactions back in Covid were some of the first I watched of Jon’s music as I got into it! All three people mentioned in this thread are favs of mine for Jon reactions
“Go Bills” - Josh Allen
I’m not talking lyric. Favorite Jon bar. Man has literally so many. GO!
@catkeleghan “now everybody tryna hang around like awnings” was def a funny and good one hahaha
Also I feel like all of PPD was just one full bar hahaha