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Favorite Concerts You Have Ever Been To??
lawrence is a MUST! I’ve been lucky to see them on tour, and also opening for jon and the jonas brothers, and their energy is out of this world. seeing false alarms live with jon was AN EXPERIENCE
@JunaErickson saw Jon on his last tour at Asana in SLC Utah. It was an outdoor theatre, in the summer, Jon just creating new music with his band for each record… it was absolutely magical. I cried I laughed I was left speechless. He truly is a genius with his music. My favorite was Woke the fuck up, a sing up until that point I didn’t really care for. He made it spiritual. I will never forget it.
That sounds magical, wow. Especially in the summer I would love that! That's when you know it's a great concert: when it feels like a slice of heaven. It takes a while to come back to Earth after it! -
lawrence is a MUST! I’ve been lucky to see them on tour, and also opening for jon and the jonas brothers, and their energy is out of this world. seeing false alarms live with jon was AN EXPERIENCE
I need to check more of their music; I've been slacking! I remember seeing them in 2019 on Jon's tour tho!
Woah that is super cheap for a Lil Tjay concert, isn't it? That's really lame tho, I'm sorry that it wasn't worth it.
Do you remember what the indie artist's name was?@JunaErickson Haha it was cheap, drove like 3 hours for it, but it was def more of an excuse for a day trip with friends then going to see him. I'll try to remember, she was a tiktoker,
Finally remembered: it was chase petra
JB Enjoyer since 2017
Cause I had a fire, passion and desire
Now all I require are circuits and wires
Inside was an ocean of soul and emotion
Then you cut me open... -
I need to check more of their music; I've been slacking! I remember seeing them in 2019 on Jon's tour tho!
@JunaErickson you should check their hotel tv album out, jon helped produce and write on it, also my fav album by them lol
@lucyhamman COAP THE LOML<3 Move me is such an amazing (and painful) song literally makes me BAWL my eyes out- HUGEEE agree on creature!!! Also I will defend Beige WITH MY LIFE-
Also I have so many favorites so I fear you're getting an extensive list *- * sorry its so long
Now, Not Yet- BREAKFAST (makes me sob), Creature (just so amazing and encapsulates my whole relationship w my faith), Pure GoldCOAP- (To preface this whole album got me through a ROUGH breakup- also these are in no particular order)
Yosemite (HELLO??)
Summerland (Speaking of music videos- I love this one so bad especially when it goes into the backyard and all the dancers are in sync, it scratches my brain so good- and this is just such a comfort song)
High Up
Did I make You Up?
Move Me
I'll StopPersona-
Lie, Lie
Sophie's House@miso girl I just got broken up with when that album came out AHAHHA I feel you!!!
Yosemite is iconic. I love the line "how do I return to normal after strange becomes familiar"
People from Persona makes me emotional!!!!
Did I make you Up gets stuck in my head on a weekly basis I fearalways me <3
@miso I LOVE HALF ALIVE! I'm seeing them in AZ, I saw them a few years back and LOVED it. They're so much fun live.
@lucyhamman h•a is one of our faves. Saw their second show ever in 2018 - seeing them at the Sylvee soon! The other is Vampire Weekend - we catch them whenever we can. Then there is IDKHow - who opened once for the Pilots in Chicago.
The band that you simply must see is The Happy Fit’s - you leave that show soaking wet and exhausted. So much fun.
“gorilla dad dawg spirit”
@lucyhamman h•a is one of our faves. Saw their second show ever in 2018 - seeing them at the Sylvee soon! The other is Vampire Weekend - we catch them whenever we can. Then there is IDKHow - who opened once for the Pilots in Chicago.
The band that you simply must see is The Happy Fit’s - you leave that show soaking wet and exhausted. So much fun.
@Clique_Dad I love vampire weekend and the happy fits! they're definitely on my bucket list. I saw twenty one pilots on the Clancy tour the last night in Columbus, it was unreal:) I was right next to josh during trees!!
always me <3
Ooh a fellow trumpeter! This sounds so fun!
@JunaErickson you ever seen anyone else? I've been to a Wynton Marsalis, rick braun, a few other big jazz people too.
@Clique_Dad I love vampire weekend and the happy fits! they're definitely on my bucket list. I saw twenty one pilots on the Clancy tour the last night in Columbus, it was unreal:) I was right next to josh during trees!!
@lucyhamman Oh my gosh I'm jealous! Clancy tour is next level, I really hope they do a second leg. Going to be in the pit next time heheee
@JunaErickson you ever seen anyone else? I've been to a Wynton Marsalis, rick braun, a few other big jazz people too.
@superrebel I've been to many concerts but have never actually seen a jazz concert. It sounds like something I would like because I used to be in a jazz band and LOVED it!
Mk gee was a life changing show for me, the energy in that room was insaneeee and that guys is so talented!! In terms of best performer, Tyler the creator takes the cake he has succhhhh good stage presence and production is insane!!
Fallll into your Bluuu :,)
Mk gee was a life changing show for me, the energy in that room was insaneeee and that guys is so talented!! In terms of best performer, Tyler the creator takes the cake he has succhhhh good stage presence and production is insane!!
@Djavan I’ve never listened to mk gee! I know a lot of people who love Tyler the creator but haven’t dove into his stuff much
Whether it be one of Jon's concerts or a similar artist! Want to hear who puts on a must-see show!
For me, it definitely would be twenty one pilots@JunaErickson man I think I lost my shit when I went to a alicia keys concert on my birthday, I did not sit thee whole concert, then went to another one thee following year, then I went to a jayz concert as well and I was so fukked up that concert as well, man good times
"this is a official apology from beautiful mind, we're sorry, if we're going ohveryorhed..."
I think Jon’s concert is still my all time favorite, but I went to Quinn XCII people’s tour and it was really fun too. I also went to Lauv all by myself which was a really cool experience. I think everyone should do a solo concert at least once in their lives.
Funny enough, I saw The Jonas Brothers and thought it was kinda boring that they just played song after song and left. I like it when artists interact with their crowd, and Jon did a really amazing job at that
@JunaErickson saw Jon on his last tour at Asana in SLC Utah. It was an outdoor theatre, in the summer, Jon just creating new music with his band for each record… it was absolutely magical. I cried I laughed I was left speechless. He truly is a genius with his music. My favorite was Woke the fuck up, a sing up until that point I didn’t really care for. He made it spiritual. I will never forget it.
@Djavan I’ve never listened to mk gee! I know a lot of people who love Tyler the creator but haven’t dove into his stuff much
@JunaErickson mk gee is a blessing, he has been dubbed as one of the best guitarists of the generation and Tyler is definitely worth looking into. I’d say his most approachable album for all ears is Igor followed by call me if you get lost! In terms of mk gee, all of his stuff is amazing but two star and the dream police has solidified his space as an amazing artist
Fallll into your Bluuu :,)
@JunaErickson man I think I lost my shit when I went to a alicia keys concert on my birthday, I did not sit thee whole concert, then went to another one thee following year, then I went to a jayz concert as well and I was so fukked up that concert as well, man good times
@kozmikblooz lol sounds like a good time, was that awhile ago?
I think Jon’s concert is still my all time favorite, but I went to Quinn XCII people’s tour and it was really fun too. I also went to Lauv all by myself which was a really cool experience. I think everyone should do a solo concert at least once in their lives.
Funny enough, I saw The Jonas Brothers and thought it was kinda boring that they just played song after song and left. I like it when artists interact with their crowd, and Jon did a really amazing job at that
@Queenmikaykay I went to QuinnXCII when he was touring with Chelsea Cutler 2021 and loved it! Funny enough I’m thinking about going to a concert alone in a couple months but the concept makes me nervous
@JunaErickson mk gee is a blessing, he has been dubbed as one of the best guitarists of the generation and Tyler is definitely worth looking into. I’d say his most approachable album for all ears is Igor followed by call me if you get lost! In terms of mk gee, all of his stuff is amazing but two star and the dream police has solidified his space as an amazing artist
@Djavan thanks for the suggestions! I’ll dive into it!