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Favorite Concerts You Have Ever Been To??
@JunaErickson I saw pink last year and it was awesome! And I saw Justin Timberlake last October of last year. And the Jonas brothers I saw in November of 2023 when their new album came out here in Buffalo ny.
Right on! Loved the Jonas Bros album!
Ik they get a lot of shit from people but AJR puts on an amazing performance. Love when theatre kids get a big budget for their concerts one of my favorites Ive ever been to. Also Half•Alive!! Actually seeing them again in March and so excited!!
I don’t listen to AJR much anymore but my friends who have gone to their shows also have said great things. I didn’t know half•alive was touring; I might have to look into this… thanks!
I’m not familiar with Last Dinosaurs but I’m going to give them a listen cuz it seems up my alley!
I don’t listen to AJR much anymore but my friends who have gone to their shows also have said great things. I didn’t know half•alive was touring; I might have to look into this… thanks!
@JunaErickson I havent listened to AJR much since high school but I couldnt deny myself the chance to see them at least once.
Also yep! Half•Alive kicks off their new tour 28th of March!! Def recommend going to a show if youre able to make it!
ALL of my Jon concerts obviously. There are lots of them. But also I was there when he performed with the Jonas brothers at Yankee stadium. BOTH NIGHTS. Seeing him back on stage for the first time in years brought me to tears and gave me chills. So that’s s top contender for favorite show too!
The island is long but life is short in this town
@miso I LOVE HALF ALIVE! I'm seeing them in AZ, I saw them a few years back and LOVED it. They're so much fun live.
@lucyhamman Ah! if i could upvote this i would, alas i only get 20 a day
- ALSOOO love that for you!! It seems like theyre in bigger venues this time around so I’m imagining how much bigger they might go this time around!
ALSO ALSO- which tour did you see them on? Now, Not Yet, or COAP? I saw them on the COAP tour, but was too young to travel to see them when they were still in NNY era.
@lucyhamman Ah! if i could upvote this i would, alas i only get 20 a day
- ALSOOO love that for you!! It seems like theyre in bigger venues this time around so I’m imagining how much bigger they might go this time around!
ALSO ALSO- which tour did you see them on? Now, Not Yet, or COAP? I saw them on the COAP tour, but was too young to travel to see them when they were still in NNY era.
@miso I saw them for COAP!!! it was incredible. what are your favorite songs of theirs? Move Me is my favorite (reminds me a lot of Jon's music) and I also love creature, bleed it out from the new album, Back Around, and Beige (I have a huge soft spot for beige)
I’ve only seen Jon once but it was still one of the best concerts I’ve ever been to. Ashnikko puts on a hell of a performance, not sure if that counts as the same category but she’s awesome! As others have said Twenty One Pilots are amazing as well, I saw them at Red Rocks in 2015 and i’d give anything to relive that night. — if any of yall dabble in edm at all, please go see Griz when he comes back, he puts on the most amazing shows, and Pretty Lights too 🤍 very wholesome and loving vibes
I’ve only seen Jon once but it was still one of the best concerts I’ve ever been to. Ashnikko puts on a hell of a performance, not sure if that counts as the same category but she’s awesome! As others have said Twenty One Pilots are amazing as well, I saw them at Red Rocks in 2015 and i’d give anything to relive that night. — if any of yall dabble in edm at all, please go see Griz when he comes back, he puts on the most amazing shows, and Pretty Lights too 🤍 very wholesome and loving vibes
I've been to 2 concerts in my life, I need to go to more but nobody plays near me. Going to have to fly out to see Jon atp. First one was Lil Tjay in high school, was super not worth it and I regret spending the 30$ (He didn't come out until almost 5 hours after the show started... they had some DJ playin LOL). Second was some indie artist, there was like 30 people there total, was super hype and I got a shirt that I still wear to this day hahahahss.
JB Enjoyer since 2017
Cause I had a fire, passion and desire
Now all I require are circuits and wires
Inside was an ocean of soul and emotion
Then you cut me open... -
The human condition at terminal 5, but I got a feeling that’s gonna be beat pretty soon, also loved Ed Sheeran X tour
@Zeonder I was there too that's crazy.
twenty one pilots emotional roadshow 2017. saw jon opening! was my first big concert and i think i cried for like, half of it. seriously, nothing beats your first arena show imo.
"You're gonna be okay, kid. You're gonna be... okay."
@miso I saw them for COAP!!! it was incredible. what are your favorite songs of theirs? Move Me is my favorite (reminds me a lot of Jon's music) and I also love creature, bleed it out from the new album, Back Around, and Beige (I have a huge soft spot for beige)
ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW AMAZING THEIR MUSIC VIDEOS ARE ?!?!?@lucyhamman COAP THE LOML<3 Move me is such an amazing (and painful) song literally makes me BAWL my eyes out- HUGEEE agree on creature!!! Also I will defend Beige WITH MY LIFE-
Also I have so many favorites so I fear you're getting an extensive list *- * sorry its so long
Now, Not Yet- BREAKFAST (makes me sob), Creature (just so amazing and encapsulates my whole relationship w my faith), Pure GoldCOAP- (To preface this whole album got me through a ROUGH breakup- also these are in no particular order)
Yosemite (HELLO??)
Summerland (Speaking of music videos- I love this one so bad especially when it goes into the backyard and all the dancers are in sync, it scratches my brain so good- and this is just such a comfort song)
High Up
Did I make You Up?
Move Me
I'll StopPersona-
Lie, Lie
Sophie's House -
Whether it be one of Jon's concerts or a similar artist! Want to hear who puts on a must-see show!
For me, it definitely would be twenty one pilots@JunaErickson saw Jon on his last tour at Asana in SLC Utah. It was an outdoor theatre, in the summer, Jon just creating new music with his band for each record… it was absolutely magical. I cried I laughed I was left speechless. He truly is a genius with his music. My favorite was Woke the fuck up, a sing up until that point I didn’t really care for. He made it spiritual. I will never forget it.
@JunaErickson I havent listened to AJR much since high school but I couldnt deny myself the chance to see them at least once.
Also yep! Half•Alive kicks off their new tour 28th of March!! Def recommend going to a show if youre able to make it!
@miso That's totally fair! Half alive is coming to MN in April so it's on my calendar if I can get off work, wohoo!
ALL of my Jon concerts obviously. There are lots of them. But also I was there when he performed with the Jonas brothers at Yankee stadium. BOTH NIGHTS. Seeing him back on stage for the first time in years brought me to tears and gave me chills. So that’s s top contender for favorite show too!
Oh my gosh I would have cried. We've been so deprived lol -
I’ve only seen Jon once but it was still one of the best concerts I’ve ever been to. Ashnikko puts on a hell of a performance, not sure if that counts as the same category but she’s awesome! As others have said Twenty One Pilots are amazing as well, I saw them at Red Rocks in 2015 and i’d give anything to relive that night. — if any of yall dabble in edm at all, please go see Griz when he comes back, he puts on the most amazing shows, and Pretty Lights too 🤍 very wholesome and loving vibes
I haven't heard of some of these artists so I will have to check these out! Love getting these recommendations.
Seeing twenty one pilots at Red Rocks sounds surreal! I used to listen to more Mansionz/Blackbear as well! -
I've been to 2 concerts in my life, I need to go to more but nobody plays near me. Going to have to fly out to see Jon atp. First one was Lil Tjay in high school, was super not worth it and I regret spending the 30$ (He didn't come out until almost 5 hours after the show started... they had some DJ playin LOL). Second was some indie artist, there was like 30 people there total, was super hype and I got a shirt that I still wear to this day hahahahss.
Woah that is super cheap for a Lil Tjay concert, isn't it? That's really lame tho, I'm sorry that it wasn't worth it.
Do you remember what the indie artist's name was? -
@miso That's totally fair! Half alive is coming to MN in April so it's on my calendar if I can get off work, wohoo!
@JunaErickson PRAYINGGG that you get to go!