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- For a very dear friend of mine…
Hi Jon! I really really really hope you see this and respond! I’m messaging you because a dear friend of mine is one of your biggest fans, and you are his number 1 favorite artist. He’s been following you since forever and you’re an inspiration to him. He was beyond ecstatic to see you come back and he’s following your journey! He’s actually the one that introduced me to you, and now I’m a big fan!
He’s a little lost right now with what he wants to do, but has an affinity/talent for making music, and I don’t think he truly sees how good he is. I’m not sure if making music is what he will continue to (I hope so though!) but even so, could you offer him some words of encouragement? Or maybe just a little message to him as your fan? Anything would be amazing, and I know it would make his entire year. No, his entire life lol. If not it’s okay, again I don’t even know if you’ll see this but I hope so! And just know, if you go on tour, you can bet that we’ll come and see you!!! His name is Nathan by the way!
Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day! And welcome back!
never lose hope he might pop on, but incase he doesnt get back relay to look into the music and he wont feel pain, big lessons I learn from wood stock, what if who I hoped to be was always me another great line, but nothing hits me more than that young gun truck combined with kid again, so much encouragement right in those themselves, hope nothing but the best for you and your friend, sending prayers and blessing that your friend may find his way
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby