Jon has been my favorite artist since 2021 now, and i know its a bit recent compared to most, but his music has still been there through many milestones and important moments within my life and sometimes i didn't even know it.
2016- All Time Low
This song would always play on the radio in my ceramics class in middle school. When i heard the song again in high school, i got transported back in time and was shocked to realize that it was Jon's song all along.2016- iRobot
I remember first hearing this song in King of Prussia mall when i was 13. Later when i was listening through all of the Human Condition for the first time, again i was shocked at how familiar the song was and got flashbacks to walking up the escalator and hearing the chorus.2020- Good Things Fall Apart
I added the song to my playlist in 2019 but really connected to it in 2020. Along with this song, Kingdom Come and Overwhelming were also on my playlist. I vividly remember queuing up songs to hop in the shower, and thinking to myself what a well-produced song Overwhelming was, and needing to look deeper into who made it. Then piecing together that you sang those other two.2021- Luxury
After listening to many songs of yours just based off of what became recommended on YouTube music (my streaming service at the time) it eventually recommended me a video on the regular youtube page, Jon Bellion- The Making of Luxury. I probably watched this video 10 times within the week, and probably 25 times in my life. It truly sparked my passion, not just for your music, but music in general. It has become such an important aspect of my life, and I've broadened my music taste all because of my love of the art. Which all stemmed from seeing you work on your art.2021- The Good In Me
I was listening to your entire discography for the first time, and I was in the middle of Human Condition when i needed to leave for a Fourth of July party. The Good In Me came on in the car, and I played it 2 times over because of how much I loved it at first listen. Ever since then, it's been a tradition that I listen to the song on my way over to my family’s Fourth of July barbecue. Whenever the song comes on, it always feels like summer.2021- Superman, The Gift And The Curse
My first part-time job was at GameStop the first month I turned 18. I started it as soon as school started back up, and I had a shift most weekdays at night. However, for some reason, I loved to listen to The Separation on my drive back. Now, whenever I think of my time when I worked at gamestop, I always associate it with The Seperation. More specifically, blasting Superman, The Gift And The Curse down 66 at dusk.2022- To My Future Wife...
This song has been one of my favorite songs since the moment I heard it. I first heard it in the car on the way back from a trip to Atlantic City with my best friend. But in 2022 I met my then-love of my life. Young love that distance got in between. I would play this song in the car often when we were together. That summer I remember practicing my fishing casts in my backyard pool, while playing this song on repeat through my JBL. She always associated this song with me, and I with her. Now, it's all in the past, but it still takes me back to that summer.2023- Hand Of God - Outro
My best friend and I for years had bonded over our love for your music. You were both of our favorite artists. When i hear this song now, i think back to the summer of '23 when my friend queued this up on our Spotify jam while I was in the middle of my set. He knew what was up. Now this is our song.2024- Overwhelming
On my girlfriend and I's third date, we were watching Baby Driver on my couch when we were messing around, and she accidentally elbowed me in the lip which caused it to bleed all over. She felt awful, but I thought it was funny. On our first Valentine's day together, I posted pictures of us with this song playing. But the line that played first was"She'll give you the people's fuckin' elbow like The Rock, son". Ever since she has loved the song, associates it with our relationship, and plays it to this day in the car.2024- Blu
My friends from high school and I decided to take a trip to the shore for a few nights. We're now all in college, but wanted to see each other after its been some time. One of the kids specifically i was never close with but i always respected because he was considered really popular. A few of us all branched away from the main group, and decided to take a stroll on the beach at 2 am with some liquor in our stomach. We had some deep talks, then the popular kid turned on his portable speaker and played some songs from his playlist. Second song in, he played Blu. We instantly started chatting about our love for your music, and on the way back from the trip we all discussed and bonded over our similarities in music taste. He is now a close friend of mine, and i give it all thanks to that moment on the beach.There are many other songs that have significant meaning behind them to me and mark memories that I wish to hold on to. But the point behind this post is that, Jons music isn't just important to me because he makes dope beats and catchy verses. It feels like a part of my life. I know that it may seem like a short timeline to you, but this was during a pivotal time in my life. I just got my learners permit when I first really discovered his music. Now I’m able to legally go to a bar. I have grown, experienced, and changed so much over these past 5 years, but I have this one thing that has remained the same. I can play his songs when i feel homesick, and it will take me right back to middleschool or highschool. Take me back to my girlfriend who might be gone for the week. Take me back to my best friend who lives states away. I cannot wait to make more memories with this next album, and hopefully see my favorite artist perform in person.
cool post, its always so dope how Jons songs mark a different moment in our lives, all time low to meant to live theres dozens in between but I will never forget the feeling I got when I heard someone drive by playing overwhelming, hearing someone else into Jon makes me so happy
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby