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- This has probably been asked, but what happened to the GSP animated series?
This has probably been asked, but what happened to the GSP animated series?
It seemed like such a cool idea and while I’m sure it got scrapped, I hope something like it is still in the works.
Your profile foto caught my eye haha
JellyBean from space
It seemed like such a cool idea and while I’m sure it got scrapped, I hope something like it is still in the works.
@Dan-the-Flan yeah i was literally gonna post and ask the same thing. hopefully Jon answers, but i feel like it probably got canceled probably because it was a bit too ambitious? or maybe covid got in the way of production? id like to know as well!
the real Bamboo Sampoo
Your profile foto caught my eye haha
It’s the most on it’s ever been! I work on it in seasons. The story and world building is a process along with setting it up properly for success. The streaming and content landscape changes so fast I just wanna make sure where ever it’s parked it gets the best look.
It’s the most on it’s ever been! I work on it in seasons. The story and world building is a process along with setting it up properly for success. The streaming and content landscape changes so fast I just wanna make sure where ever it’s parked it gets the best look.
@User12261990 this is the best news I could have possibly received today
It’s the most on it’s ever been! I work on it in seasons. The story and world building is a process along with setting it up properly for success. The streaming and content landscape changes so fast I just wanna make sure where ever it’s parked it gets the best look.
It’s the most on it’s ever been! I work on it in seasons. The story and world building is a process along with setting it up properly for success. The streaming and content landscape changes so fast I just wanna make sure where ever it’s parked it gets the best look.
@User12261990 this makes me so incredibly happy. I still have the QR code from the merch framed on my wall. Never lost hope
It’s the most on it’s ever been! I work on it in seasons. The story and world building is a process along with setting it up properly for success. The streaming and content landscape changes so fast I just wanna make sure where ever it’s parked it gets the best look.
@User12261990 Whatever happened with the gsp website?
It’s the most on it’s ever been! I work on it in seasons. The story and world building is a process along with setting it up properly for success. The streaming and content landscape changes so fast I just wanna make sure where ever it’s parked it gets the best look.
Are David Ardinaryas Lojaya and Jacob Caljouw involved in any GSP stuff? Loved the artwork they did for your tracks. Hope to get some with old school merch drops.
Your profile foto caught my eye haha
@KjellyBean wait you're here too?? idk if you remember but you commented on my tiktok vid about learning to write with my left hand. This is a crazy coincidence LOL
It’s the most on it’s ever been! I work on it in seasons. The story and world building is a process along with setting it up properly for success. The streaming and content landscape changes so fast I just wanna make sure where ever it’s parked it gets the best look.
@User12261990 duuuuuude let’s gooooo!!!!! So pumped, but also we need about 11 main courses of music this year so FRICK THAT TVSHOW GOBBLEDYGOOK, jk I’ve been waiting for this for years, still got 3 tickets on my shelves and will binge on release, with so much DB love in lyrics to voicing on Broly it’s gotta be insane lol, just HUNGRY for beats
@KjellyBean wait you're here too?? idk if you remember but you commented on my tiktok vid about learning to write with my left hand. This is a crazy coincidence LOL
@Iskemik hahah no way! Hey!
@KjellyBean Hi
crazy to meet another JB fan without even knowing it hahaha
@KjellyBean Hi
crazy to meet another JB fan without even knowing it hahaha
@Iskemik echt wel!!
echt leuk i hopee that u are dutch
Or else u are lying on your profile hahah
JellyBean from space
@Iskemik echt wel!!
echt leuk i hopee that u are dutch
Or else u are lying on your profile hahah
@KjellyBean wahaha dat ben ik zeker! Just thought I’d write here in English so others can understand
@KjellyBean wahaha dat ben ik zeker! Just thought I’d write here in English so others can understand