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Hey Jon, do you ever like to produce with preset stereo bus plugins over the whole track? I find that often it can help craft a certain sound so that the record is fully realized even before mixing. If you do, what plugins do you like to use for that?
@User12261990 sample info would be so cool. But honestly just head space of where the songs come from & what sparked the process is most intriguing. I love watching the start of the beat through to finish (your YT videos are my fav)
The making of... videos are the best!
Categories will consistently change depending on the roll out. But if their is a category yall would want to have me speak on or interact with (ex: sonic approach, lyric explanation, intention and purpose of certain songs, equipment used, DAW details, Synth parameters, vocal presets, sample references, mix intentions, vocal approaches) suggest them here.
@User12261990 honestly, man, I think that how you navigate the creative process (beyond the BTS’s) would be incredibly solid. I’m sure you’re aware that you’re a musical inspiration for a lot of us, and I feel like I’m already seeing so many people just expressing a struggle with starting, hitting a creative wall, or putting their own work into the universe.
@User12261990 I would love to know what equipment you used for this album and GSP along with daws and how you cut and use samples for your songs.
Completely echo what others have said, would looove to see a breakdown of your actual logic sessions and how each track is processed.
i’m here to tell you… that the Seuss…is loose!
I've got some questions about "TORI"/"Purple Skies"; it was an unbelievable
album, and going to see her live in Charlotte in October was such an amazing experience.
What were your inspirations for the sonic of the album? Specifically talking about stuff like the warbly synths from "spruce" or the watery/soupiness of "young gun;" was Japanese hyper-pop/synthwave on your radar when sculpting the album's sound?
The purple skies interlude was GORGEOUS and I can hear you trying to flex those cinematic scoring chops: are you still aiming to score a Pixar movie, or any film in general?
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to ask you about stuff we're dying to know about!
All the best,Derrian W. Berry
Categories will consistently change depending on the roll out. But if their is a category yall would want to have me speak on or interact with (ex: sonic approach, lyric explanation, intention and purpose of certain songs, equipment used, DAW details, Synth parameters, vocal presets, sample references, mix intentions, vocal approaches) suggest them here.
@User12261990 Jon, tell me more about where your head space was at when recording Human acoustically? I am so drawn in by the raw emotion you convey when telling the story. It is by far my favorite record you’ve created and I believe I cry every time I belt the words out. Thank you for being a rock, an anchor in this life. You have touched the very parts of me that only music can heal. I am incredibly ecstatic for what’s next.
For CWMW, what are some of the vocal parameters you used to get that beautful child-like choir effect on the vocals in the chorus? It moves me to tears almost every time I listen to it, and I feel like you processed the vocal in a very intentional manner to get across that feeling of somber exasperation that comes through "im so ready to run from the spotlight". Just wondering about your thoughts behind heading in that direction with the vocal there and how you managed to pull it off.
Derrian W. Berry
Jon can I get an explanation for this? You have the exact same melody for the strings at the end of while you count sheep as in human. I’ve wondered if this is a coincidence or a connection between the songs for years now lol.
Definitely need some behind the scenes… but would love to know if there’s a certain way you go about composing your music? More so the actual music as opposed to lyrics. Or does it start as lyrics rather than music & rhythm?
@User12261990 What role does your faith play in your creative process?
@User12261990 I’d love to know one thing about Kid Again, but don’t want your answer to spoil anything. But is the single art cover having the start and end of the letters cut off, and the song starting and ending halfway through the guitar sampling done on purpose?
I seen sum peeps already asking but I also would be soooo down for a behind-the-curtain on ur sessions. Ur music is what changed my life back in high school and unveiled my own love for writing and producing, but there’s so much I have to learn in terms of seeing songs all the way thru to the end and not losing intention/focus in the stu. Vocal chains, sound selection/design, knowing what feels authentic to you while also pushing the envelope creatively, etc. Ur the goat fr peace & love to u n ur fam from Bellingham Washington!
Categories will consistently change depending on the roll out. But if their is a category yall would want to have me speak on or interact with (ex: sonic approach, lyric explanation, intention and purpose of certain songs, equipment used, DAW details, Synth parameters, vocal presets, sample references, mix intentions, vocal approaches) suggest them here.
@User12261990 hey! Just wanted to say thank you. The depth and the emotion that you infuse into your art has endlessly inspired me. You are one of my greatest influences. Whenever I’m feeling stuck, I watch your music production videos and the spark comes back.
I went through some very traumatic things the last few years.
- My mom got cancer
- I lost my job and soon after found out my wife was pregnant
- My daughter died when she was born, but they saved her. She got diagnosed with a genetic issue.
- Due to financial, emotional, mental stress—my wife separated from me.
- My oven caught fire and my car died on the same day recently.
I’ve been leaning into making my own music and creating because it’s keeping a smile on my face. I realized that it’s the only thing I want to do. I deeply resonate with the beautiful mind approach to life. It’s a personal dream of mine to work with you as an artist—if the stars should align.
Anyways, I’m thankful for you. Thanks for being you.
With all the feels,
Zach (aka Mavry). -
@duopy Just a btw you can click on his profile and see his entire post history. Doesn't seem like there's a way to filter it by him within a page or topic, but considering how active he is I'm sure you will see his responses around
I would absolutely love to hear the intention behind songs. I make up meanings for them in my own life, but I think it would add a fresh layer of nuance and insight to hear what you had in mind.
Categories will consistently change depending on the roll out. But if their is a category yall would want to have me speak on or interact with (ex: sonic approach, lyric explanation, intention and purpose of certain songs, equipment used, DAW details, Synth parameters, vocal presets, sample references, mix intentions, vocal approaches) suggest them here.
Jon can I get an explanation for this? You have the exact same melody for the strings at the end of while you count sheep as in human. I’ve wondered if this is a coincidence or a connection between the songs for years now lol.
@User12261990 I've been wanting to ask you for years about the pronounced compression on Couples Retreat. It's the song I keep coming back to on GSP and haven't heard anything like it elsewhere. Would love to know the creative process that led you there! Thank you for everything
I would love to hear about the inspiration behind certain sounds and lyrics in your songs!!! Your songs mean so much to me and I’d love to hear you explain the meaning behind them more.