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What do you want to dive in on
I’d love to hear you talk about your songwriting process and what inspires your lyrics for any and all songs.
What’s it like being a dad? I want good parenting advice that you have or that was passed down to you. I was 15 when I started listening to you, now I’m 27 about to be married in May (Would love to invite you btw). We’re wanting kids in the next couple years and I’m trying to prep mentally & spiritually (and obviously financially).
Insights to your production process beyond the general creative idea of the song would be huge! As you’ve suggested, vocal presets, intentions behind mixing processes, etc.
Derrian W. Berry
Beyond ridiculous to have an opportunity to ask these questions Jon, thank you for creating this
Curious if you can shed some light on how far you take a record before needing to bring in Mix / Mastering Engineers, in context of records like Holy (Justin Bieber), as opposed to a record that you may have mixed yourself like The Definition album.
I've understood from listening to Serban Ghenea interviews that a guy like Max Martin will bring the record to roughly 80% during the production and recording phase, but the last 20% really is dialed in by the experienced ears of engineers.
Separately, I've always been geeked out on your drum programming and sound selection.
- An Immigrant
- JT
- Jungle (I still haven't been able to recreate the drum fill on the turnarounds haha)
-Young Gun
I noticed that the programming of All Time Low is really similar to "Wild" by Dilla
I like how you've been able to consistently weave a refreshing take on the triplets rhythm with your songwriting throughout the years. Its just an incredibly pleasant and human experience watching your growth. I've seen it happening since 2015.
Thank you, immensely
Austin -
I’d do disgusting things for bts videos even if they’re just walkthroughs in your DAW
I think I found my new favorite website. Any insight into unique ear candy / vocal synthesizing plugins that aren’t well known but are on your radar would be very welcomed. Thanks JB
yes, every single ting you mentioned bruv
I'd love to see a production category! Place where other producers can maybe link up make some tunes together and chat! Also, j think I speak for everyone and would absolutely love to see a category of all unreleased tracks you've made! Let's goooooooo!!
as a producer and engineer, any type of breakdown of the production/mixing process would be great! the glory sound prep doc made me want to pursue studio work, so any look into your creative process would be loved
T testUser1 pinned this topic
What’s it like being a dad? I want good parenting advice that you have or that was passed down to you. I was 15 when I started listening to you, now I’m 27 about to be married in May (Would love to invite you btw). We’re wanting kids in the next couple years and I’m trying to prep mentally & spiritually (and obviously financially).
@kendallevan17 being a present father is 80 percent of the work. You’ll find out what you need to change about yourself if your around the kids enough. They’ll expose your shortcomings FAST. Hahahaha
Request to dive in on the production and composition of tracks and the ideas behind them. Your "Making Of" series from a decade ago was what inspired me to start producing and making my own music. Hearing different ideas, watching things which I didn't think would fit in the track come together, and the way that you were able to shape the sound to be sonically and lyrically meaningful and intentional was something I never had access to before. The Glory Sound Prep Documentary had the same effect, and the Kid Again lead-in video brought it out of me again. Getting a glimpse into the headspace and the flow of ideas truly helped me find my sound and be unapologetically me.
Any deep dives into tracks and the ideas behind them - technically and conceptually - would be great, and would no doubt inspire the next wave of Bellion fans to also explore their artistry, creativity, and individuality.
Much Love!
@DreamingInBraille love that. Start rifling off some specific production or writing questions I’m down to nerd out
And duh your vocal chain + approach to harmonies, mixing them and all that juice!!
@GSP-Graduate funny enough lately I been doing so much more of a full voice vocal that I’m actually doing harms less. I love my lead sound on this new record but when I stack it for some reason my taste has been against stacking too many harms. They gotta be wild tasteful. Earlier songs I used to fill with harmonies to give off a fuller sound not necessarily add to the emotion. Now I only add harms unless it aids the emotional intention? Hard to explain lol love a good harm in general though.
Oooo a vocal chain breakdown would be heavenly
@Matt-Tomorrow27 vocal chain truly depends on who’s in the chair recording me at this point. The chain also changes depending on the production. I used to have a formal chain always but now I’m kinda like, if I like how I sound I don’t ask questions. I also wait until the song is more realized before I even care about how it’s sitting in a song.
Everything please!! Would love to hear how you connect your sound design to the messages! So stoked to have you back Jon! And this forum is AWESOME!
@sabrinacombs19 sound design to song is such a mixed bag. I’m always trying to make you feel MORE of what I’m feeling making it. So sonically I’m searching for layers and sounds that if the song is aggressive I want you to feel that way too. Sounds obvious but everything needs to be intentional. Sometimes keeping it 2-4 sound max keeps the performance more emotional, it all just depends on the song.