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What do you want to dive in on
We want socks!!!!
The island is long but life is short in this town
I think we all want “making ofs” for all the new songs
Something that might be interesting is any thoughts you had for lyrics or sound or anything else that you had planned on putting into one of your songs, that didn't make it in, maybe lyrics didn't fit sonically, but fit the meaning of the song really well
Any chance we can get a bts of your favorite individual tracks?
Kind of like that “The making of” series, but of stuff that you loved creating or collaborating on recently
Request to dive in on the production and composition of tracks and the ideas behind them. Your "Making Of" series from a decade ago was what inspired me to start producing and making my own music. Hearing different ideas, watching things which I didn't think would fit in the track come together, and the way that you were able to shape the sound to be sonically and lyrically meaningful and intentional was something I never had access to before. The Glory Sound Prep Documentary had the same effect, and the Kid Again lead-in video brought it out of me again. Getting a glimpse into the headspace and the flow of ideas truly helped me find my sound and be unapologetically me.
Any deep dives into tracks and the ideas behind them - technically and conceptually - would be great, and would no doubt inspire the next wave of Bellion fans to also explore their artistry, creativity, and individuality.
Much Love!
You have spoken about how you still hear and use beats from when you were a kid. I would love to hear how you’ve taken those beats as inspiration in this next project. Your music is always fresh and I think other artists are always inspired by that. GSP was ahead of its time so no doubt this album will be too.
And duh your vocal chain + approach to harmonies, mixing them and all that juice!!
Class 2020
Oooo a vocal chain breakdown would be heavenly
Everything please!! Would love to hear how you connect your sound design to the messages! So stoked to have you back Jon! And this forum is AWESOME!
Your "making of" videos that you used to out out were a big reason I got hooked on your music! Was really cool being able to see your creative process and how stoked you'd be while creating. Would love to see those come back!!
How do you approach creating a live show? Your work carried me through the phase of figuring out how to go about my own concerts. What kind of iems you use? How do you like your iems mixed during the show? (Maybe you have a iem mix of one of your shows?) Do you normally play to the click? Any loops or all the bg voxes are being triggered?
Thank you dude you really did give me a blueprint to becoming the kind of artist I wanted to be - super dope to have a forum like this
Class 2020
Hi Jon. One of my bucket list items is seeing you perform in person, but I worry that since so many of us are so eager to see you, I might not get the chance. I know you’re considering intimate shows, but if you could please at least think about a larger capacity show that we could all have the chance to come to that would be a dream.
All the best,
DerrianDerrian W. Berry
I want to know how you assimilated your self taught production style into the standards and expectations of the industry? Was there a way you did things that got reprimanded by producers/artists you worked with as it was unconventional, and, if so, did you change your approach or keep it unique?
Make a way to filter by posts only from you. I also stay away from social media and I love this concept, but the current layout allows for stuff from you to get lost easily in the shuffle if we aren't checking this constantly.