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are you guys musicians?
i am and i wanna see what other artists inspired by jb sound like
LISTEN TO MY NEW ALBUM "burning daylight" BY N I K O
I am! I take a ton of inspiration from Jon Bellion https://open.spotify.com/artist/2mMFHpzYTijPDToDVsWlTj?si=mBx6keNTS6GaUXkmPSUhyQ
i am and i wanna see what other artists inspired by jb sound like
@MusikByNiko I am idk about rules on posting stuff here, but I let old Kanye influence my production more, Jon is just so diverse and this next sound I cant even prepare for mentally lol
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
Just a jam and weekly drummer atm but sometimes I listen to me playing and immediately here the bellion beats coming out lol
"But if your heart is a dog fight
then I'm ready to go to war like" -
bro I wanna do music as a hobby but I can't get past the stage of rage quitting every song because it's trash lmao, we got the same name btw
@Niko Just gotta find what your heart is in, if its just in writing just write producing aint for everyone, if its in producing just producing writing aint for everybody, a huge thing about Jon is hes a visionary so hes good at combining all these talents into one final product, are you a visionary if so start making connections. But in the end find what you love, if you love production youll just love sitting there messing with sounds regardless of if its trash or not, gotta become a KID AGAIN
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
One day I'm going to break the ceiling glass
From writing to spotify did it all alone
It's not perfect but I like it
I'd be happy if people respond as say what they think even tho it's not in English -
Just a jam and weekly drummer atm but sometimes I listen to me playing and immediately here the bellion beats coming out lol
Jon’s ‘behind the scenes’ vids is the whole reason I got into songwriting and producing. I made this song back when I was 18 and think it’s probably the one that shows his influence the most. If anyone wants to check it out, feel free
https://open.spotify.com/track/0ldLVIgfA17znG5cfjxNlu?si=S2SwnkwPTZO9JAbw0dgsJQ“I threw up on the lawn, I can’t find my phone”
bro I wanna do music as a hobby but I can't get past the stage of rage quitting every song because it's trash lmao, we got the same name btw
@Niko Have you tried using samples that other people have made at all? Cutting out the long process of creating sounds from scratch can help speed up the rest of the process I found. I didn’t like using them at first as I thought of it like cheating, but really you can mix and match different samples to create something completely unique and add to it if you think of something yourself. Definitely keep going at it though mate, it’s so satisfying making a song you’re proud to show others
“I threw up on the lawn, I can’t find my phone”
Love to see it!!
I’m a small town singer myself.. only traveled once for music and working on networking where it makes sense
The beautiful mind gave me hope in this path/career that when you get great people together.. beautiful and magnificent, out of this world things can happen. My impression of professional music making nowadays PRIOR to this organization was that it was going to shite, with AI composers and paper chasers, cheats, and the like thinking they were trailblazers. Nearly killed my spirit. Beautiful Minds saved my dream. Gave me hope. Brought the music nerd in me back to life. -
bro I wanna do music as a hobby but I can't get past the stage of rage quitting every song because it's trash lmao, we got the same name btw
@Niko keep going as far as a song will take you, push yourself, and quit / give up/ archive the song until it doesn’t make sense to quit your songs anymore (everyone has been there)
bro I wanna do music as a hobby but I can't get past the stage of rage quitting every song because it's trash lmao, we got the same name btw
@Niko stop looking at it like a hobby and more like an outlet or an opportunity for you to get your feelings out. Hobbies do not always demand love, I believe music does.
I am indeed! I’m in a band named Supermoto and I have my own solo stuff as well!
They’re both very different vibes, but still are me.
This is the link to my latest EP
https://open.spotify.com/album/02hK2pkxraP1REVXtjB2Eg?si=yGcIVRFkT3OcJef_idyAcAThis is to Supermoto‘s album
https://open.spotify.com/album/0BYWR8JM10A0HU3q6pguxD?si=s6CnoiWoS9eqTNRzMma5uA -
I'm hella ADHD and havent been able to motivate myself to consistently practice, make, or put out music unfortunately. I do put out random stuff here and there, this is a little song I wrote awhile back. https://www.tiktok.com/@oskii_e/video/7047124290596064513?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7226759881352627714
@Niko Have you tried using samples that other people have made at all? Cutting out the long process of creating sounds from scratch can help speed up the rest of the process I found. I didn’t like using them at first as I thought of it like cheating, but really you can mix and match different samples to create something completely unique and add to it if you think of something yourself. Definitely keep going at it though mate, it’s so satisfying making a song you’re proud to show others
@MassiveCroc yessir that's the only way I made some beats that I was proud of (ex. https://youtu.be/KkGNgMxbYyg?si=r7WBfe56GSsIfKrv) but I don't feel inspired to make stuff with samples right now, I want to make some synth stuff (which I suck at haha)
Maybe IDK
bro I wanna do music as a hobby but I can't get past the stage of rage quitting every song because it's trash lmao, we got the same name btw
@Niko YOOO WSG NIKO yea i get you man thats a rough stage of the music creation porcess but keep going! you gotta sift through the bad stuff to get to the good stuff i believe in you!
LISTEN TO MY NEW ALBUM "burning daylight" BY N I K O
Jon’s ‘behind the scenes’ vids is the whole reason I got into songwriting and producing. I made this song back when I was 18 and think it’s probably the one that shows his influence the most. If anyone wants to check it out, feel free
https://open.spotify.com/track/0ldLVIgfA17znG5cfjxNlu?si=S2SwnkwPTZO9JAbw0dgsJQ@MassiveCroc wow bro i rlly see ur vision here this is interesting keep it coming!!!
LISTEN TO MY NEW ALBUM "burning daylight" BY N I K O
@MassiveCroc yessir that's the only way I made some beats that I was proud of (ex. https://youtu.be/KkGNgMxbYyg?si=r7WBfe56GSsIfKrv) but I don't feel inspired to make stuff with samples right now, I want to make some synth stuff (which I suck at haha)
@Niko bro this is a great start! dont be so harsh on yourself music is a long never ending process
LISTEN TO MY NEW ALBUM "burning daylight" BY N I K O