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- If your life was a movie, which 3 Jon Bellion songs would be the soundtrack?
If your life was a movie, which 3 Jon Bellion songs would be the soundtrack?
Going Woodstock, Guillotine, and Crop Circles myself.
Aspiring for Young Gun, Meant to Live, Worship
(Cheating here but he did work on all 3 lol) -
@Kate-Karstadt This next album is going to do nothing but glorify God I'm telling you, he signs Tori Kelly(Christian Artist) works with Jon Forman(Christian Artist) Tori also works with Forrest Frank(Christian Artist) Listen to his lyrics on Young Gun with Tori, and Worship and Raindance with Batiste, I mean even Kid Agains lyrics... Son creepin all up in my window, God gripping for my like a pistol, I feel the Yah back in control/ in my soul... last album named Glory Sound Prep wasn't a coincidence+go listen to Jon talk on podcasts, man is going to put God on the main stage
Such a good question. I'd say Human, Hand of God and Guillotine
@dreams-in-jail SOLID choices damn
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
I’d have to pick LIFE, Human & The Internet
@summer2004 LIFE my wife’s fav of all time and human is such a deep hitter, good choices
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby