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How far are you willing to travel for a concert?
I’ve been a fan for almost 12 years so I’m pretty willing to travel anywhere. Just hoping I can afford it lol
I had to travel quite a distance when I saw him in 2017 for THC tour and honestly now I would just go wherever I can afford. After seeing his comments regarding touring I'm not sure he will do a lot outside the US which is a shame since I'm in the UK but I'm keeping my fingers crossed
I had to travel quite a distance when I saw him in 2017 for THC tour and honestly now I would just go wherever I can afford. After seeing his comments regarding touring I'm not sure he will do a lot outside the US which is a shame since I'm in the UK but I'm keeping my fingers crossed
Agreed, being in the UK couldn’t agree more. His London shows weren’t too bad but I’ll be lucky to go anywhere as long as I can afford it
Idc tbh i need too go!
i would even travel by foot if i need to hahaha
JellyBean from space
I live in the UK near the middle and I traveled all the way up near Scotland to go and see him because he wasn’t anywhere local to me
International babyyyy. Nowhere is off limits. I was supposed to be at his first show back in LA at the Grammy museum. I will NOT be missing out.
The island is long but life is short in this town