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What video games are yall on at the moment?
@LIFE I spent like 2 hours last night playing lol. I didn't even realize how many you sent me!!! Ugh, thank you! Also, you're insanely good, I'm over here competing with you now.
But some of those images are like, insane. Took me like 20 minutes to get out of a Portland suburb lol
@OverwhelmMe i'll assume that the round that took you 20 minutes to get of a suburb was on the default world map that was at the top of the list. that is its biggest downfall as a map definitely unfortunately, some of those locations are so deep and inescapable.
@LIFE does it literally show the exact same image or are you recognizing land marks? I mean even if it the exact same images I could never do it in a million years jc
@Zeonder i already replied but im drunk so i dont know if i explained adequately. the identification of countries relies on the general plantlife, and the infrastructure equally, guessing a region within a country is largely reliant on understanding vegetation within a country, and when coverage in countries was done, and that takes experience.
@Zeonder i already replied but im drunk so i dont know if i explained adequately. the identification of countries relies on the general plantlife, and the infrastructure equally, guessing a region within a country is largely reliant on understanding vegetation within a country, and when coverage in countries was done, and that takes experience.
@LIFE lmfao bro
put the forum down
@GabbyW0205 its 10am rn ive got life in me i'm ready to post and appreciate now!!!!!!!
@GabbyW0205 its 10am rn ive got life in me i'm ready to post and appreciate now!!!!!!!
@LIFE pop discord open real quick. talk some eden hits
@Zeonder i am quite drunk rtight now so forgive me, but no. it does not show landmarks or exact locations every time, it's just that with this game yousee countries in gradients that you learn over time and experience. you will get repeat "regions" in countries, in the sense that you will play so much that over a large amount of experience, you're bound to get regions after thousands and thousands of games, like states of course, but it's very rare that you get an exact location repeat that you've gotten before. at the end of the day its pattern recognition, once you've learned what large amount of contries look like, and things that categories those countries, you learn what categorieses regions of those countries, and that's where crazy tik tok guesses come from. like this, i l;ove yall, im very drunk much love
@LIFE that bring this to a whole new level, I genuinly thought there was only a set ammount of spots it took from google earth and it cycled through them, not that it took anything away because It hought there was tens of thousands, but man that just makes it even crazier, so youre essentially learning the vibe of the place and guessing ti off that?? I remember seeing someone doing GRADIANT guesses and thought that was just absurrrrd lmaoo, and for being drunk you explained it pretty damn good
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
@LIFE that bring this to a whole new level, I genuinly thought there was only a set ammount of spots it took from google earth and it cycled through them, not that it took anything away because It hought there was tens of thousands, but man that just makes it even crazier, so youre essentially learning the vibe of the place and guessing ti off that?? I remember seeing someone doing GRADIANT guesses and thought that was just absurrrrd lmaoo, and for being drunk you explained it pretty damn good
@Zeonder yes, that is the difference between a good country guesser and a pro player, vibes are a very important apart of pro geoguessr, understanding the "vibes" of a place is the difference between being hardstuck and being a pro, i have alot of guesses in a file on my pc that i havent uploaded, but this link is a good example of "vibes" when i have evidence to know the country. it's a very practice and study heavy game to get good at. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dE8QOdQMJm0
@LIFE that bring this to a whole new level, I genuinly thought there was only a set ammount of spots it took from google earth and it cycled through them, not that it took anything away because It hought there was tens of thousands, but man that just makes it even crazier, so youre essentially learning the vibe of the place and guessing ti off that?? I remember seeing someone doing GRADIANT guesses and thought that was just absurrrrd lmaoo, and for being drunk you explained it pretty damn good
@Zeonder you learn the vibe, but you also learn infrastructural clues, there's places in the world where you can instantly know the country just because of a license plate off of a car, or a guardrail that is on the side of the road that has a unique quality that sets it apart. even the arrows you may see on the corner of a turn can be enough to influence a guess.
@Zeonder you learn the vibe, but you also learn infrastructural clues, there's places in the world where you can instantly know the country just because of a license plate off of a car, or a guardrail that is on the side of the road that has a unique quality that sets it apart. even the arrows you may see on the corner of a turn can be enough to influence a guess.
@LIFE duuuuude yes I thought these were there most interesting, I remember seeing some guy could tell what country it was right away because of the way they draw their busses on the sign… like what….. not the sign itself, not the color, but the bus had a certain shape window or some crazy thing that seperated it from the surrounding towns. Man makes me wanna get into it lol just such a crazy talent
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
@LIFE duuuuude yes I thought these were there most interesting, I remember seeing some guy could tell what country it was right away because of the way they draw their busses on the sign… like what….. not the sign itself, not the color, but the bus had a certain shape window or some crazy thing that seperated it from the surrounding towns. Man makes me wanna get into it lol just such a crazy talent
I've been playing Helldivers II and The Finals. The Finals in particular is such a fun FPS. A breath of fresh air from the old Call of Duty-muddled market.
@Zeonder yep! in europe in particularly, there's places you can tell apart off of how many windows they put on bus signs
i play a lot of valorant personally, and the life is strange games are my current story games that i’m going through right now
The Finals, Witchfire, and a little bit of Marvel Rivals if it works on my pc
Restarted tears of the kingdom
not really a video game -- but i cant stop playing online chess -- im addicted, and not very good haha but its fun!