WOOOWWWW this post being slept on, that one to the left is legit pay for, you smashed that out of the park seriously man. Not to take away from the one on the right. They’re both so amazing
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
Yooo these are nice
JellyBean from space
These could be postcards!
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
WOOOWWWW this post being slept on, that one to the left is legit pay for, you smashed that out of the park seriously man. Not to take away from the one on the right. They’re both so amazing
@Zeonder Thank you so much! Im thinking of copying them onto some fancy paper and putting them up on etsy or something
@ChaHR frfr @ me here and lmk if you ever do I would def a copy of that one on the left, again zero shade to the one on the right theyre both beautiful and WELLL past anything I could dream of doing. but man I'm a sucker for that left one, obviously the 3 stages are sick but you did SOOOO good on the blue separation guy
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
@ChaHR frfr @ me here and lmk if you ever do I would def a copy of that one on the left, again zero shade to the one on the right theyre both beautiful and WELLL past anything I could dream of doing. but man I'm a sucker for that left one, obviously the 3 stages are sick but you did SOOOO good on the blue separation guy
@User12261990 I hope you are able to see this
@ChaHR of course
keep sharing and ill throw in another one for you @User12261990 this one crazy!
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby