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Jonas Brothers Album Backing Vocals
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This has been an ongoing debate with my friends trying to notice which vocals Jon actually contributed to on the Jonas Brothers album. It’s a fun little Easter egg to try to notice on repeat listens, lol. I’m fairly certain he’s at least:
- random adlib yells “yeah” “come on” etc in miracle
- the “hey now”s in waffle house
- “a-a-a-americana” “you know you wanna” at the end of americana
- “spiritual” and “miracle” in sail away
- “gotta hit that one more time” in celebrate
- the background “champagne ocean, raw emotion” in summer in the hamptons
- then obviously walls as we know
I have a video showing what i found to be every lyric if you wanna check it out? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MalZOsl9WS0
I have a video showing what i found to be every lyric if you wanna check it out? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MalZOsl9WS0
@ChaHR Ha love it! There were a few you picked out in there I had never even noticed