Man y’all been starving so long I feel horrible y’all listening to 10 year old demos
@User12261990 sir we would listen to 42 minutes of you humming…come on! We don’t play!
The island is long but life is short in this town
Man y’all been starving so long I feel horrible y’all listening to 10 year old demos
@User12261990 brother you could release a folder of a bunch of half-complete songs and we'd eat it up
Man y’all been starving so long I feel horrible y’all listening to 10 year old demos
@User12261990 Bold of you to think we dont go further back than that
Old graveyard demo HIT
Be chill, love all.
His old/unreleased songs always hold the deepest meaning for me especially since I can currently relate to where he musically was back then. My favorite Jon song ever is “Chase The Sun”.
Man y’all been starving so long I feel horrible y’all listening to 10 year old demos
@User12261990 lmaooooooo sir we’re in the trenches over here
i'm very, very New York, be very, very aware
Man y’all been starving so long I feel horrible y’all listening to 10 year old demos
@User12261990 i’ve had 1990 and Get What You Want on repeat for 3 months. 1990 resonates with me on a whole nother level
Man y’all been starving so long I feel horrible y’all listening to 10 year old demos
@User12261990 well feed us !!! Jk we’ve already waited what’s another little bit
Man y’all been starving so long I feel horrible y’all listening to 10 year old demos
@User12261990 I mean what do you expect... Didn't you once say you were gonna be timeless??
Remember dreams seemed far away. Was pinching pennies like Lane and Hardaway. Now my beats make feasts for holidays in Greece. And I don't mean John Travolta.
@User12261990 sir we would listen to 42 minutes of you humming…come on! We don’t play!
@catkeleghan u referring to fallen? lol
Man y’all been starving so long I feel horrible y’all listening to 10 year old demos
@User12261990 will u please put these songs on iTunes -1990, without your face, shadows, Two car garage bc i love these songs and would be happy to buy them on iTunes.