Your music has impacted not only my life, but my friends and family's lives. I learned to find beauty in myself from 'Simple and Sweet', I jammed singing with the windows down to 'Overwhelming', I got through high school and college courtesy of "Blu", cried to "Good Things Fall Apart", and loved every song in between. Your music and creativity was a huge part of what brought me to God, open mindedness, change. I have seen you live 3 times and there is still not a concert that even compares. You have an amazing stage presence and the way you incorporate other talented artists into your shows is just beyond cool. I admire you as an artist and a beautiful mind. Your last album came out when I was 17- now I am 23, an adult with different priorities, and I have never been more ready for anything in my life. We're ready for you. Thank you, for everything what is and is to come.