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Let me know what your fav Jon show has been! I went to drewapalooza many years ago and it was amazing.
@Amariez10585 I wasn’t able to attend the NY shows for that tour. I regret missing it so much! Hopefully I can avenge myself this time haha
THC tour man. Saw him on part 1 and 2. It was really good
beautiful mind
GSP tour in 2019 was incredible. Blu performed live was something I'll never forget. Chills throughout the whole show. And him walking out in the GSP jacket was so sick!
Let me know what your fav Jon show has been! I went to drewapalooza many years ago and it was amazing.
@JamieDaBaker drewapalooza!!! AHHHHH! Memories! Hope Drew is doing well!
The island is long but life is short in this town