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Jon awakened my faith in God and myself
I don't want to get deep into details but a little over a year ago I had some pretty traumatic events take place in my life. that kind of turned my world upside down. I was lost mentally and emotionally, and had no idea where to put my effort to recoup.
I never really had significant exposure to religion and/or God, but after said events, I retreated to comfort music, and of course ran through Jons discography.
But this time was different.
I saw myself connecting to the spiritual aspects of his music, instead of just getting lost in the masterpiece that is Jons music.
Tracks like Hand of God, Adult Swim, and, perhaps most significantly, Stupid Deep helped me come to the realization (iykyk) that my priorities were in the right place deep down, I just needed to find them, and that I was never really alone, I just didn't see Him yet.I owe the man from Long Island a big thank you, and hope I can say it to his face one day.
So I took tonight to put it in a song
I don't want to get deep into details but a little over a year ago I had some pretty traumatic events take place in my life. that kind of turned my world upside down. I was lost mentally and emotionally, and had no idea where to put my effort to recoup.
I never really had significant exposure to religion and/or God, but after said events, I retreated to comfort music, and of course ran through Jons discography.
But this time was different.
I saw myself connecting to the spiritual aspects of his music, instead of just getting lost in the masterpiece that is Jons music.
Tracks like Hand of God, Adult Swim, and, perhaps most significantly, Stupid Deep helped me come to the realization (iykyk) that my priorities were in the right place deep down, I just needed to find them, and that I was never really alone, I just didn't see Him yet.I owe the man from Long Island a big thank you, and hope I can say it to his face one day.
@vPynk This is amazing. Im so happy you were able to find something so good for yourself like this. Truly remarkable
beautiful mind
God is calling so many people to him right now something massive is going to happen, a distinct line is gonna be drawn in the sand, music will be changed forever. Satan was Gods musical angel at one point, and he fell, God is seeming ready to take that back in this fallen world. Just always remember, we don’t worship a feeling, some days we will feel nothing, we worship the one true God. Job is such a example in this regard
️ so glad you found faith and pray you keep going
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
I don't want to get deep into details but a little over a year ago I had some pretty traumatic events take place in my life. that kind of turned my world upside down. I was lost mentally and emotionally, and had no idea where to put my effort to recoup.
I never really had significant exposure to religion and/or God, but after said events, I retreated to comfort music, and of course ran through Jons discography.
But this time was different.
I saw myself connecting to the spiritual aspects of his music, instead of just getting lost in the masterpiece that is Jons music.
Tracks like Hand of God, Adult Swim, and, perhaps most significantly, Stupid Deep helped me come to the realization (iykyk) that my priorities were in the right place deep down, I just needed to find them, and that I was never really alone, I just didn't see Him yet.I owe the man from Long Island a big thank you, and hope I can say it to his face one day.
@vPynk you’re not the only one who has found god through Jon Bellion. I remember when I was at my lowest point in life in my 20’s. I remember asking god why I feel so alone and asked where is my soulmate but instead of giving me an answer he led me to Jon bellions music the next day. I went on iTunes the day after I prayed and I stumbled upon seeing this artwork of the THC album and I said wow I wonder what this is. So , I clicked on it listened to the whole album and fell in love with Jon Bellions music. This was back in 2015.
I’m so glad and happy for you that you were led to God through JBs music. I hope and pray that you have healed or will continue to heal through those events. JBs music was the first time I remember listening to an artist and hearing their faith and beliefs trickled throughout their music rather than being straight worship/christian music. It was always like if you weren’t paying attention to the lyrics you would miss the hidden meaning and I think sometimes that is more impactful.