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Take us back, to a place
I'd love to know how you all discovered JB! Did a friend rec him to you? Did you stumble across it one day and get hooked? What was the song? What about JB made you keep wanting more and stick around as a fan?
For me, personally, a friend recommended him to me right after we graduated HS and I was going through a rough time in my life. He sent me the song "80's Film" only because he referenced Back to the future AND I was always the friend driving everyone around lol. Since then I've been hooked and funnily enough JB ALWAYS comes back or drops something new every single time I am in a rough patch in life. Idk how he does it lol but he definitely has one beautiful mind
Only a small handful of people I know irl know JB and listen so it's kinda cool to have a place like this to meet others!
If they don't feel your thoughts, start dreaming in braille
I found him years ago through a FaZe Rain outro. Looked up his music and loved it since!! I love to see how everyone found him.
beautiful mind
Faze the F up babbyyyyy!!!! Looool, take me back to those days indeeeeeed, though not really can’t complain with my beautiful God gifted family
@Zeonder i grew to not like FaZe but at least i found jon through them
@GabbyW0205 oh I think most OGs don’t like FaZe anymore lol, just some trash business is all it is now, stopped watching back in like 2016 myself if not earlier
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
@GabbyW0205 oh I think most OGs don’t like FaZe anymore lol, just some trash business is all it is now, stopped watching back in like 2016 myself if not earlier
First heard Jon in my Tinder match's bed... lol
This was like 2015/2016. We were talking about music because he produces a bit (super small) and he was like "Hey I think you'll like this..." and he played Hand of God. I was hooked. Then when I listened to all of THC from start to finish and saw the whole magnitude of that album, I lost it even more.
That guy and I are still friends to this day and we keep up with each other's lives and will talk about Jon any time he drops a new track or cowrites something. I'm so grateful for that friendship- and for discovering Jon- as ridiculous as it was.
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
I was introduced to Jon by a Bitcoin guy. I never left Jon's music since. It's so healing to me!thank you Jon!
First heard Jon in my Tinder match's bed... lol
This was like 2015/2016. We were talking about music because he produces a bit (super small) and he was like "Hey I think you'll like this..." and he played Hand of God. I was hooked. Then when I listened to all of THC from start to finish and saw the whole magnitude of that album, I lost it even more.
That guy and I are still friends to this day and we keep up with each other's lives and will talk about Jon any time he drops a new track or cowrites something. I'm so grateful for that friendship- and for discovering Jon- as ridiculous as it was.
@OverwhelmMe Thats so cool! I have one of those friends I check in on when an artist drops something new lol music friends are such a wild bond!
If they don't feel your thoughts, start dreaming in braille
I found him years ago through a FaZe Rain outro. Looked up his music and loved it since!! I love to see how everyone found him.