I used Jon's To My Future Wife for my wife's walk down song. Ever since I found that song a year after it came out, before I knew my wife, I wanted it to be in my wedding. My wife surprised me with it because she wanted to walk down to a Star Wars instrumental song... I said no Jon's better, but she did it for me. I started to cry more so for the song when she was walking down because it is such a beautiful song for that moment. Don't tell my wife I said that... lol but yea I am wondering if others did the same...
BTW Jon, my wife tried reaching out to you, if you see this, to see if you could have made it to sing this. You are my favorite Musical Engineer, because that's what you are bro.
Ever since I heard this song that has been my dream. My hope is to get married next year and without a doubt will be using to my future wife to walk down to. JON IF YOU SEE THIS CAN YOU PREFORM AT MY WEDDING LOL
beautiful mind