The first time I heard one of your songs was when I was working and my coworker had played " guillotine" I couldn't get it out of my head. I went home and looked up all your music and songs. At the time I was living in an abusive home and was holding onto anything to survive and your music pulled me out of a really dark place. Even now I still use your music to soothe and heal so many parts of me!! I'm now a new mom and I have my son and husband hooked on your music to!
First memory was hearing your cover of The Motto on YouTube around 2012 when i was in 7th grade. I was already a big fan of Logic at the time so watching both of your careers since i was literally a kid has been an amazing journey. Got all my friends to come with me to the Human Condition tour in high school and we had a blast. I remember listening to GSP alone in my college dorm room at night watching the stars and it blew me away (it’s still marinating too). Still been bumping your music after all these years and I still wear my beautiful mind hat from 10 years ago. This past September, my cousin who i hadn’t seen since we were kids came back to town for a family emergency. He’s also a huge fan of yours and it happened very last second, and it also just happened to be the night you released Kid Again. We’ve been bonding over your music across the country from each other for years so to be reunited right when you came back was unforgettable. Much love
So excited that you're back! My first time listening to you was actually a feature on Zedd's Beautiful Now and I remember thinking "Who is this sweet angel singing?" Since then I've fallen in love with everything you've put out, old and new. Your music transports me and I'm sure many others to a happy place and I am so thrilled to see what's next for you, you musical genius
I discovered your music through an old coworker of mine in 2016. I believe the first song I heard was either While You Count Sheep or Timeless, late at night while we closed up shop. It was the summertime, during the promo single era releases for THC. Every time I hear 80’s films I’m reminded of the clock hitting midnight and it hitting my ears for the first time as a teen. From that moment I was hooked. I watched every interview and BTS doc I could. You inspired me in many ways and are the soundtrack to very formative years.
Couldn’t go to any pt 1 or 2 dates on the THC tour, but I finally got to see you at a festival just before the victory lap tour was announced. I could barely see the stage and the backing tracks/instrumentals weren’t working for your set, but it was still the best day of my life. Partly because the band held it down as always! Later on I got to go to THC pt 3 and a GSP date. Truly some of the best concerts I’ve ever been to (and I go to a lot of them haha).
Through the years I’ve made really incredible friendships due to your music and now I am excited at the prospect of seeing you live with some of those people. Beautiful mind really changed my life and in a weird way I can’t thank you enough. Above all I’m glad you’ve decided to return to your own music on YOUR TERMS.
My first ever song i heard from you was the collab you did with QuESt - it’s beautiful and it never stops running through my brain!! Another one is Conversations with my wife, its been my top 5 songs on all of my music apps yearly updates since it came out, truly gives me inspiration to get off the internet and live my life as beautifully as i can with my partner and within my self!!
Several friends and I watched you and Lawrence in Dallas during the last swing of concerts. I got home pretty late from that and immediately had to turn around (not kidding just a couple hours) and drove 13+ hours to Telluride, Colorado. We hung around in Telluride a few days; low and behold, y'all come driving into town on the tour bus. Hope y'all had as good of a time as we did!
You’ve been my favorite artist for about eight years now, u hold a special place in my heart both as an artist who makes incredible music but also as the artist that helped bring me and my brother together, bc back when we were teenagers all we seemed to have in common was being stubborn and loving Jon Bellion. We’ve never gotten the chance to see you live but we are damned and determined to get tickets to see you this time and around. Hoping to see u somewhere in Missouri!
You were my first concert when I was 15, it was the Birmingham o2 institute, I went with my best friend at the time and sat in line for 4 hours. We somehow managed to get to the front next to the VIPs. I made ‘friends’ with the people next to us and the security guard in front of us. Everyone absolutely loved it (obviously!!!) even the guy next to us that only went because his girlfriend had “dragged” him there. I think you gained a fan that day haha. I cried and sweat all my makeup off and hold on dearly to those memories. You shaped my teenage years and my early adulthood. You continue to make an outstanding impact on my life, from binge listening through all your albums with my two kids to watching interviews with you and feeling a sense of pride with how far you’ve come. So much love from the UK
Blue jeans, runaway dreams
Pack it all up and leave
Where ya wanna run tonight? -
Saw you in Chicago years ago @ Northerly Island. You had the whole crowd doing line dances together. Had hopes of getting a Netflix show going and you wanted the fans to help you create it. I remember you putting codes on the merch having us vote on the typa show. While it didn’t come to fruition (yet) it was cool seeing how much you cared about the fans and having us help you complete your vision.. nothing but love, can’t wait for everything you got planned!
I remember being in class when I was in 10th grade browsing SoundCloud when I found a song called smooth movin. I instantly was hooked. This was shortly before THC dropped and when it did, I immediately downloaded every song you had put out at the time on my PSP. Every bus ride to and from school I would listen to you while reading. Your music shaped the scenes in the books that I read and turned them into memories I’ll never forget. That was 11 years ago and still to this day I go back and listen to paper planes, human, or luxury and the memories flood back In. Makes me super emotional every damn time.
Jesus was instrumental…In blessing my mental. Every time I drove a car coulda twisted the metal
April 2016: I was 18 years old and found out my dad has stage 4 lung cancer.
May 2016: My dad began treatments and there were a lot of unknowns.
June 2016: Maybe IDK was released. The lyrics “ I wonder why we all fear the things that we might not know” resonated deeply with me.
July 2016: I heard those lyrics in person for the first time at The Rave in Milwaukee, WI.
August - October 2016: More and more answers were given to us about his diagnosis. I continued to listen to Maybe IDK daily to help get me through.
November 2016: My dad was diagnosed as terminal.
December 14, 2016: I heard those lyrics in person for the second time at The Rave in Milwaukee, WI.
December 20, 2016: My dad passed away after an 8 month battle.
Fast forward to July 2019: you were performing at Huntington Beach Pavilion in Chicago, IL. Days leading up to the show, I tried so hard to figure out a way to meet you so that I could thank you for helping me through the darkest part of my life and to ask you to hand write the lyrics for me. I was unsuccessful.
October 2019: I got the lyrics tattooed.These lyrics continue to serve as a daily reminder to myself to stay in the present and to not fear the unknown. These lyrics have helped me through many dark times in my life, and for that I am forever grateful. Thank you, Jon.
My husband and I have been listening since the earlyyyy days, back when we were in high school. We’ve been together for over 10 years and some of our favorite memories have The Definition as the soundtrack behind them. We’ve traveled from NY to Dallas to see a show (one of the best experiences I’ve ever had!!), and I can’t wait to see what’s next!
SO beyond pumped that you’re back!!!! A friend of mine sent me “Eyes to the Sky” when I was like 12 and I instantly became a huge fan. I’m almost 23 now and you’ve been my #1 played artist every year since. My (now) fiancée and I were introduced to each other in college because everyone who knows me know I love JB, and a mutual friend of ours heard him singing ‘Good Things Fall Apart” and told him he should talk to me. We were over the moon to find someone else that loved our favorite artist—We’re getting married this year so all of this excitement couldn’t have come at a better time!! What a year!!
I have been listening to you since about 2018/2019. I don't remember which of your songs I heard first, but I have know of all your songs both released and unreleased by heart, and I have watched your Making Of videos dozens of times over the years. You are my biggest inspiration.
Been a fan since around 2015-16 through YouTube videos including your music as intros and outros, but only found other fans and joined the fandom around 2018-19. I remember watching you drop singles for GSP in the days and weeks before it officially released, I was only 14 back then, haha! I specifically remember hearing CWMW when it dropped, I was only my way to school and pretty giddy about GSP nearing back then. My mental health wasn’t so good back then, listening to your music helped me out and to this day makes me reminisce on certain time periods I took for granted. I saw you live on October 4th, 2019, London, at 15 years old. What a great night with my older brother, I still look back on it, as well as looking forward to any potential ones! I’m 20 now, having stuck around for almost a decade now! Though my music taste has changed and developed I always find I eventually come back to yours. Guess it itches the right part of my brain haha. I can’t wait to see (hear) what you have in mind next