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Jon changed my perspective
At the end of his Woodstock, All Time Low, Woke the F*ck Up BTS video, he’s just chilling playing basketball and narrating. He’s saying how he doesn’t want to owe the world a selfie or explanations and just wants to live his life and make music. When I first watched it a while back it was like water splashing on my face. I had been sucked into the worlds view of do this thing so you can post it and you need to be a millionaire or you’re garbage. Then hearing Jøn’s words just helped me realize how dumb that is and I deleted social media after that and it’s been great. Thank ya Jon
and he is the same!!!! bum dum dumm haha nah fr though ive brought that video up a few times on the forum I love it so much I owe so much to that video, I analyzed it toooo much and woodstock was my fav for a whiiile, when his buddy comes in and plays the guitar for it jeeeez man was I hooked
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby