Do you have any ideas to make this even cooler? Please tell! Also what’s a song or album that you’d love to turn into a artwork?
JellyBean from space
Do you have any ideas to make this even cooler? Please tell! Also what’s a song or album that you’d love to turn into a artwork?
@KjellyBean I’m working on a Guillotine inspired piece!
@KjellyBean I’m working on a Guillotine inspired piece!
@tashhess oh my!! That is cool! Am curious
maybe we can make a drive to share the work on? Are you making digital art or traditional?
JellyBean from space
@KjellyBean Love the idea!! It'll be amazing to collaborate.
@themouse1997 what song/album would u make art of?
@KjellyBean I'm thinking of possibly doing a digital art piece of the song Kid Again.
@tashhess oh my!! That is cool! Am curious
maybe we can make a drive to share the work on? Are you making digital art or traditional?
@KjellyBean I’m drawing digitally for this piece
️ Yeah, it’d be cool to have some kind of gallery!
@KjellyBean I’m drawing digitally for this piece
️ Yeah, it’d be cool to have some kind of gallery!
@KjellyBean I'm thinking of possibly doing a digital art piece of the song Kid Again.
@themouse1997 that would be cool! What got u inspired? I’m thinking of making something related to the song luxury
JellyBean from space
@KjellyBean I’m drawing digitally for this piece
️ Yeah, it’d be cool to have some kind of gallery!
@tashhess yes!! Maybe some people can even make like a cover song or something or a poem inspired by it
haha having to many jdeas! But will get back to this it is getting late :’) yesterday i also have up till 2 am haha because this forum is so much fun
JellyBean from space
@KjellyBean I’m drawing digitally for this piece
️ Yeah, it’d be cool to have some kind of gallery!
@KjellyBean I really like the line “there’s bones in my closet, but you hang stuff anyway” . I had this little imagine in my mind and I finally wanted to get it on paper. What songs inspire you the most?
@themouse1997 that would be cool! What got u inspired? I’m thinking of making something related to the song luxury
@KjellyBean It would be! I might get a start on it if I've got the time today. And I just really like the song! It's such a jam. Been playing it a lot honestly. Oooo okay okay! That'll be awesome and I can't wait to see what you'll do that's related to the song Luxury. I can't wait to see what people will create as well
@KjellyBean It would be! I might get a start on it if I've got the time today. And I just really like the song! It's such a jam. Been playing it a lot honestly. Oooo okay okay! That'll be awesome and I can't wait to see what you'll do that's related to the song Luxury. I can't wait to see what people will create as well
@KjellyBean I really like the line “there’s bones in my closet, but you hang stuff anyway” . I had this little imagine in my mind and I finally wanted to get it on paper. What songs inspire you the most?
@tashhess i’m very curious about what you will make inspired by that line!
@KjellyBean I'll definitely share it when it's done! Working on the composition right now and I'm really loving how it's coming together. Are you working on anything?
@KjellyBean I'll definitely share it when it's done! Working on the composition right now and I'm really loving how it's coming together. Are you working on anything?
@tashhess I haven’t found the time yet to make something but will definitely make some time for it this week!
JellyBean from space
@themouse1997 will you be making digital art or traditional?
@KjellyBean Digital art
I've already done two yesterday when I had the time!
i’m working on something right now!
@themouse1997 @tashhess inspired by the song luxury music video!
JellyBean from space
i’m working on something right now!
@themouse1997 @tashhess inspired by the song luxury music video!
@KjellyBean That's honestly fantastic!
@KjellyBean Digital art
I've already done two yesterday when I had the time!