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what really gets you up in the morning?
Living life, making changes that are scary but also unlock different chapters, I've grown as a person since the last year and in the only way I can explain it is one change for me recently has made me want a billion other things and that gives me drive.
what’s driving you to keep doing what you’re doing? in your music and personal life. like what truly gets you up every single morning day in and day out and go do the things you’ve got on your plate?
@jaxophone well I’ve been struggling with my depression lately and it’s bc of the weather here in ny. But honestly music and therapy is what keeps me going and to not give up on being alive. Some days I wanna give up and other days I keep pushing myself to not give up on life.
work lol but realistically is earning some money so i can enjoy life traveling and going to concerts, exploring the world and enjoying art in different forms, that's what motivates me to continue waking up, also my dog and the people i care
A Jon Bellion album on the way, him active on this forum, and the impending drop of merch and possibly multiple tour dates!
The island is long but life is short in this town
what’s driving you to keep doing what you’re doing? in your music and personal life. like what truly gets you up every single morning day in and day out and go do the things you’ve got on your plate?
@jaxophone what keeps u going everyday?
My two kids. I don’t have much else that motivates me as much as they do at the moment, and when they’re putting more stress on my plate, music gives me that push to keep going for them. I’ve been listening to Jon on repeat for a couple weeks now to keep my spirits up, my girls have loved seeing me dance around the place!
Blue jeans, runaway dreams
Pack it all up and leave
Where ya wanna run tonight?