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Making Of Series
I definitely would love to see a return to this series and I hope Jon see's this and gives it a return for this album because seeing your brain work is like watching a mad scientist and its beautiful, I've already commented this but being 12 and watching him work and seeing the finest of details in everything music and made me appreciate it more going to look at different artists in different genres from Thelonious Monk to Steely Dan literally I could be listing musicians for absolute years, I'm curious to if anyone has any stories of the series how it changed how you see music or your music taste in general.
yes yes yes, id be so surprised if he doesnt do something since hes always dont a doc or making of for stuff, he also kinda of let us behind the scenes a bit on that kid again music video, you see him actually in the studio messing around, and he knows were hungry. I think were getting some kind of doc or something with it
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby