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- Only 20 upvotes per day is a bit limiting
Only 20 upvotes per day is a bit limiting
This forum is too big for only 20 upvotes per day! We need more.
“gorilla dad dawg spirit”
wish i could upvote this but i reached my limit last night lmaooo
i'm very, very New York, be very, very aware
This forum is too big for only 20 upvotes per day! We need more.
We need more upvotes - so much crazy good content here that we can appreciate with such a simple gesture!
“gorilla dad dawg spirit”
I posted about this yesterday he said he was going to tell the web team!
The island is long but life is short in this town
This forum is too big for only 20 upvotes per day! We need more.
@Clique_Dad I upvoted this bc it’s so true.
^^ (this is an upvote)
That's how I've been trying to work around it. I just wanna "like" everything that people post lol
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
@Clique_Dad I upvoted this bc it’s so true.
@Amariez10585 thank you for your service
“gorilla dad dawg spirit”
^^ (this is an upvote)
That's how I've been trying to work around it. I just wanna "like" everything that people post lol
The team is working on it!
@BeautifulMind Tried to upvote this... will try again tomorrow XD LOL
Thanks to the team for being amazing though, this forum is a work of art and they should be proud of it, there's so many features already built in that haven't even been fully rolled out, I am super excited for the future
JB Enjoyer since 2017
Cause I had a fire, passion and desire
Now all I require are circuits and wires
Inside was an ocean of soul and emotion
Then you cut me open... -
@Clique_Dad haha I think I may just start using random emojis as upvotes. I'll change it up everyday until our cap is increased (or infinite)
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP