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- Post your main Spotify Playlist, would love to see what type of stuff you guys listen to outside of Jon.
Post your main Spotify Playlist, would love to see what type of stuff you guys listen to outside of Jon.
I don’t have a spotify playlist that i currently listen too
i always listen too the once i liked at the moment i listen a lot to this song called space song from beach house or to Je te laisserai des mots from patrick watson. I love genres like DNB,Dupstep,Rock, indie, metal, lofi, rap i can keep on going haha am curious about your spotify playlist tho!
@KjellyBean patrick watson is great, very good song. I am also a bit of a DNB head, jungle rollers, liquid, anything
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/67RMuFiJvy2z4fg8Nuu0kv?si=c1a0263937884b65 this is more liquid
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6XNVAOwKcnBwExWDnjOUTL?si=1b8fb9b71b8f49bf this is more intense
i used to be a playlist only person now i put my library on shuffle and let the the algo do the rest
@bleachxbaths I feel that, I wax and wane with it, sometimes going off liked songs sometimes off playlists
@KjellyBean patrick watson is great, very good song. I am also a bit of a DNB head, jungle rollers, liquid, anything
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/67RMuFiJvy2z4fg8Nuu0kv?si=c1a0263937884b65 this is more liquid
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6XNVAOwKcnBwExWDnjOUTL?si=1b8fb9b71b8f49bf this is more intense
I’ve been working on this playlist since… September, I think? Very all over the place, but still emblematic of the type of music I wish to produce myself!
@Isaac oooooo fk yeah.
you might appreciate songs of one of these playlists
any ambient/drone enjoyers? https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1ltuFy1liv79rgSrxdT4rH?si=1849c0424c5349f5 pls put me on heat, been getting into it
@Isaac oooooo fk yeah.
you might appreciate songs of one of these playlists
@Isaac oooooo fk yeah.
you might appreciate songs of one of these playlists
@LIFE Ok bro, those playlists are amazing, but lowkey your "unc music" playlist on Spotify is TOP TIER: STEVIE, BUCKLEY, HENDRIX, THE CURE, bro you got great taste
I have a million playlists but i update the every month with new music that I listen to! Take a look if you'd like
I have a million playlists but i update the every month with new music that I listen to! Take a look if you'd like
@hollyy LMFAOOO I feel you, I make playlists obsessively for everything, I have 32 right now but that's only the public ones.
novo amor, sleeping with sirens, and oh wonder enjoyer o7 so fucking sick how oh wonder blew up, those 2 are amazing
@hollyy LMFAOOO I feel you, I make playlists obsessively for everything, I have 32 right now but that's only the public ones.
novo amor, sleeping with sirens, and oh wonder enjoyer o7 so fucking sick how oh wonder blew up, those 2 are amazing
@hollyy LMFAOOO I feel you, I make playlists obsessively for everything, I have 32 right now but that's only the public ones.
novo amor, sleeping with sirens, and oh wonder enjoyer o7 so fucking sick how oh wonder blew up, those 2 are amazing
Forgot about TOPs last album until I saw them in mine, gotta spam them today
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
Forgot about TOPs last album until I saw them in mine, gotta spam them today
I actually listen to Discover Weekly the most
but I listen to my popping dance playlist a lot (and not during just dance practice), probably the most of all: