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- Snake: **852** - highest score so far
Snake: **852** - highest score so far
lmaooooo there’s no way
i'm very, very New York, be very, very aware
I made it to 11 and that was enough for me! LOL
WOW - just wow.
“gorilla dad dawg spirit”
Dang and I thought I had a shot lol. I had so many times where the snake would turn around to fast and it would make the game think I went directly backwards into myself.
At this point why even try lol
Fellow JB enthusiast AidenC
Dang and I thought I had a shot lol. I had so many times where the snake would turn around to fast and it would make the game think I went directly backwards into myself.
@AverageJoe457 yeah this fucked me up so many times, tryna quickly turn and then dying when i shouldnt have hit myself. ill leave it to everyone else
Dang and I thought I had a shot lol. I had so many times where the snake would turn around to fast and it would make the game think I went directly backwards into myself.
@AverageJoe457 Yeah the movement is NOT smooth at all and it gave me a lot of trouble as well.
A tip I found useful was to turn a brief moment/a block earlier than when you expect to, you'll find that you'll run into walls less this way.
Additionally, depending on your keyboard, you wanna get a feel for the responsiveness of the keys- like do you need to tap and let go asap or is it fine to hold the key down etc. ESPECIALLY when making double turns- cuz I noticed sometimes the 2nd turn/key would not get registered properly.
It's kinda difficult to describe it with words so I hope I got the points across well enough haha
Snake: 852 -
almost at hundred nooo
Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.
- Alan Watts