Seeing THC tour in Denver, you asked all the people in the audience, who is a creative? I raised my hand and you gave a speech about how important our job is as creators. You said never give up and keep dreaming!
Today, I work within the music industry helping artist’s dreams come true. You and your music inspired me to pursue the industry and try and make a change.
I hold your live shows close to my heart! Thanks Jon
Got me through a patch where I felt I couldn’t connect with worship music… yet I was able to connect with the Lord through Glory Sound Prep when I was far from Him. Thankful. Got me through an almost divorce. We’ve been restored. Married for 4 years and 2 kids now.
Your music has been the soundtrack behind my life as a teenager and young adult.
Being able to share your music with friends of mine and later hearing your songs play in their car made me glad and felt like I was able to be a part in growing the community of people impacted by your craft. I brought my friend with me to the victory lap tour for THC and he only heard a couple of your songs at the time. He told me that despite that, it was the best concert he’s been to.
Getting to meet you during the VIP part of the GSP tour was something special and felt down to Earth that most fans of things don’t get to experience. I’m truly grateful for that.
I’m eager for this new era to begin and I’m glad that you are able to do it at your desire and pace.
I'm so happy you're back. I got into your music when I was a kid and it's crazy after all this time your music has stuck with me. The first legit concert I had ever been to was seeing you in Cleveland on the GSP tour, my gf and I drove from Rochester and it was so worth it. It was at Jacobs Pavilion, man was that a beautiful spot. I'm so blessed and grateful that was my first concert experience. Still my favorite concert experience of all time even damn near 6 years later. Thank you Jon!
Greetings from Mexico! Fan since The Human Condition and had tix for the GSP tour but unfortunately had to undergo surgery and couldn't attend
Been dying for you to go back on tour ever since. Excited for the comeback!! Welcome back, dude. -
First concert at the age of 16...
Waiting to one day hear the opening to JT again, it was genuinely life changing. Of the two audio snippets I have ingrained in my head, that is the better of the two.
Later that summer was visiting family in Ohio, ran into someone also wearing merch from that concert at an olive garden where I proceeded to eat an entire salad to spite my aunt. -
Got into your music by hearing woke the f*ck up during a video game stream back in 2015 i believe shortly after the single dropped for it. Was instantly hooked after that and have been listening to all of your music ever since then. The music you've brought to us listeners has impacted me in so many ways over the years it's insane. Whether it's relating to a song, being motivated by one, or just outright being in love with the sound and lyrics all of your music has done a wonder for helping make me the way I've grown to be. Thank you for putting your art out there for us Jon and welcome back, hopefully you get to connect with a lot of us fans in the near future.
I saw you on tour back in 2018 for GSP. It was your last show in America and it was in Maryland. The vibes were out of this work. I remember I was with my cousin and you shouted out to everyone in the croud to high five the people next to us to just spread love and it absolutely worked. The person I high fived looked to be a mom about 4 times my age but we both just had the biggest smiles on our faces as we gave each other a high five. My absolute favorite concert to this day.
I'll never forget the summer of 2016 and seeing you on tour. I live in the Cleveland area and I was going to my first Jon Bellion concert after being a fan for a couple of years. A month after I purchased tickets the Cavaliers won the championship. Of course, to my luck, the championship parade was the same day as the concert in downtown Cleveland. It was horrific getting through traffic but the vibes were immaculate. After the hour long trek I finally got to the House of Blues and got to see you and Keyz both perform. I love the energy you both bring on stage it very much matched the energy in cleveland that day.
I somehow stumbled on the Carry Your Throne music video when it was first released. That was the start of me becoming obsessed with this artist that no one had ever heard of.
I got to experience the genius at work both times Jon came to Manchester, UK. The friend I went with still says the GSP gig was the best he’s ever been to, and he’s been to see lots of big names e.g. Ed Sheeran.
When I had a boxing match for Cancer Research UK, the last verse of New York Soul pt ii was my walkout music. That verse means a lot to me and had to be the verse that carried me to the ring in front of hundreds of people.
The Cove City version of Luxury made me cry multiple times at a point in my life when I was numb to any emotion. I don’t think words can explain the impact you have had on my life. I will be forever grateful. Thank you.
P.S. If you ever want to come and visit the beautiful North Wales, I’ll be your personal tour guide.
you inspired me to leave social media two years ago and its made my life so much better. you've made my live so much better Jon. idk if you'll see this but you are the father figure I never had. My dad left when I was 1 and I never had a role model of what it looks like to live a Godly, loving, passionate life until I listened to you, your music, your interviews, your voice. Thankyou, from the bottom of my heart. God bless
The first time I heard one of your songs was when I was working and my coworker had played " guillotine" I couldn't get it out of my head. I went home and looked up all your music and songs. At the time I was living in an abusive home and was holding onto anything to survive and your music pulled me out of a really dark place. Even now I still use your music to soothe and heal so many parts of me!! I'm now a new mom and I have my son and husband hooked on your music to!
First memory was hearing your cover of The Motto on YouTube around 2012 when i was in 7th grade. I was already a big fan of Logic at the time so watching both of your careers since i was literally a kid has been an amazing journey. Got all my friends to come with me to the Human Condition tour in high school and we had a blast. I remember listening to GSP alone in my college dorm room at night watching the stars and it blew me away (it’s still marinating too). Still been bumping your music after all these years and I still wear my beautiful mind hat from 10 years ago. This past September, my cousin who i hadn’t seen since we were kids came back to town for a family emergency. He’s also a huge fan of yours and it happened very last second, and it also just happened to be the night you released Kid Again. We’ve been bonding over your music across the country from each other for years so to be reunited right when you came back was unforgettable. Much love