Now this is epic. "Kid Again" released right after Hurricane Helene hit my state of South Carolina. Of course we had no idea how long power was going to be out when it started, so I used up all of my data pretty quickly and before the song released. I was finally able to load the song all the way through and listen to it while we were days away from having power restored and internet back up and running. Every time I listen to "Kid Again" now, I can still smell sawdust from the trees being cut up and can still see how destroyed the state was. Never have I seen that much destruction in person, and my area was not even the one to get hit the hardest.
Jon, thank you for making the music we all know and love. Thank you for getting out of the deal and bringing us new music in 2024. Thank you for all of the future songs you are currently working on and will release in the coming years!
P.S. You should totally make a song with NF. That would be amazing!
~ Tyler | Tstock
omg yes please to an NF collab, also gonna add Finneas to this list #collabszn