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How can I use my degree in the industry?
Question for anyone who can help: I’m about to graduate with a Bachleor’s degree in Marketing. I’m a young guy with my wife and a baby on the way (woohoo!). Do you have any tips on how I can use my Marketing degree to get my foot into the door of the music industry? A dream of mine has always been “working for Jon” or something haha. If there’s any chance people have suggestions on that front I would love to be involved in anything, even as a side hustle!
It's all about marketing yourself and making those connections. Be prepared to freelance and make passion projects just to share your skills to help build a solid portfolio. Like when I was in college I put together an entire business plan of how to market a small hip hop artist I loved and I shared it with him. Nothing came from it but it established a pretty awesome connection while he was still making music. Also, go to events and network, network, network!