I got TOP tickets with Jon as the opener, never found a friend for my second ticket, forgot and realized show was happening AS IT WAS HAPPENING. By the time I would've drove there at the point I realized it would've been over, most depressing weeks ensued lol
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
I got TOP tickets with Jon as the opener, never found a friend for my second ticket, forgot and realized show was happening AS IT WAS HAPPENING. By the time I would've drove there at the point I realized it would've been over, most depressing weeks ensued lol
@Zeonder NOOO thats so tragic! Hope you've been able to see TOP since then but that's an unbeatable lineup
@AdAstra Nope but I loved their last album, routines in the night... vignette... insane! Sorry to about your tickets too but hey sounds like we might both be getting some Bellion shows on the menu soon!
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby