Just wanted to hop on here and say that Jon’s music has consistently supported my faith and helped me to feel more connected to God in times of self-doubt or trouble. I feel ever-grateful I know of him and his artistry. Always brings me back to my “home-base” when I get in my head and overwhelmed.
I’d love to hear your guys’ experiences with this, too.🤍
Maybe I don't know has put me in my place more times than I can explain. But in the best way lol. Maybe that's okay
I've never been a super faith oriented person with religion, but I will say there is something I've found grounding in his music and the way he has expressed his faith - I feel very similar about twenty one pilots in that sense too. It's really cool to experience.
Just wanted to hop on here and say that Jon’s music has consistently supported my faith and helped me to feel more connected to God in times of self-doubt or trouble. I feel ever-grateful I know of him and his artistry. Always brings me back to my “home-base” when I get in my head and overwhelmed.
I’d love to hear your guys’ experiences with this, too.🤍
Hand of God, Human, and Maybe IDK
have spoken to me in ways other songs cannot. Idk if it’s because their intent isn’t to be an outright ‘Jesus song’ first and foremost and thus I feel like I can listen to it more freely from someone not trying to make it onto Christian radio. To me, Jon’s music involving God is just so relatable because I ask the same questions he does and go through the same thoughts. And he does it without it being corny, which is so incredibly difficult for a lot of Christian music in my opinion. It’s one of the reasons I fell in love with the man! -
Just wanted to hop on here and say that Jon’s music has consistently supported my faith and helped me to feel more connected to God in times of self-doubt or trouble. I feel ever-grateful I know of him and his artistry. Always brings me back to my “home-base” when I get in my head and overwhelmed.
I’d love to hear your guys’ experiences with this, too.🤍
Way back when I was really losing my grip on everything and my faith was slipping badly, his music reached me in a place the church hymns and worship’s songs could not at the time. I still shed tears every so often remembering listening to his records on repeat during the darkest moments of my life. I’m glad others have felt closer to God because of his music too.
This album is going to glorify God in such a aweing way, gonna put God on the main stage. It’s insane watching Him working in the music industry, and it ain’t no coincidence Jon’s last album was glory sound prep
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby